biggest looser!!!!
What show? I live in Etown but I'm clueless on what u guys are talking about lol. Around here we watch Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Oddparents, Spongebob, and she's found a new fav channel, something called Sprout. I did take the TV over long enough last night to watch Steve Irwins memorial. I bawled like a big baby. It was so sad.
Hi angela.............tonight on nbc is a show called the biggest loser........they are fifty people,one from each state,some will get picked to stay on the show and try and lose the most weight,there is a guy from etown that made the fifty, but he may not make it,i hope he does,because ky needs a winner lol................cheermom
Oh cool, I didn't know that. I don't usually watch alot of TV unless Adams off that night. I read alot while he's at work and Allison has it on Nicklelodean or Sprout. I tell him we pay cable each month mostly for cartoons. I might check it out tonight if I don't get too tired. My abdominoplasty is almost 2 weeks ago, it will be this Friday. This afternoon I could stand it no longer, I had to clean. I swept floors, mopped, done 2 loads of laundry and now I am beat. I'm thinking of laying down on the couch till its her bedtime at 10pm. She's a nightowl. I usually am but I'm beat tonight. Thanks for the info..
Hey Kentucky did have a good family on Extreme Home Makeover last season. Somewhat local to the Northern KY area. Shoot my youngest nephew was part of the tiling crew that worked on the house.
From all that was said on TV about them they sound like a great loving couple who adopdted children and had unfortunate accidents happen to he was a cop shot in the line of duty.
I wish someone from Ky would win, back a few years ago on Survivor, Ky Joe was on and did well, Roger Bingham was his name, every one called him Ky Joe. I was proud of him. Most of the time if someone from Ky is on tv I am ashamed of them. You all know our state has wonderful people. It would be nice if they had put some on tv that is nice.