Absolutely!! Bring the kids over. I will make a pot of chili and get out the fire pit. We had fun too. This year, I can have a beer. Unless, of course, I get surgery before Halloween. I doubt it though. I wanted your mom to make Pebbles and Bam Bam costumes. Now, she is getting surgery and won't be able to. Can you believe the nerve?
lol Mimi, she will have some time off to recover... its not that hard to sit at a sewing machine to make them... just a thought.
I think Kenna is going to be tinkerbell.. or something like that... as far as the boys... every year they want to be pirates go figure... I did hear what Evan wants to be now that is hilarious!!! I need to go costume shopping at some point.
ok... blah blah blah I know im late on the "congrats you have a date speech" Get over it lol. I am thrilled that you have a date... and you know I will be waking your recovering losing butt up in the middle of the night while in the hosp hahaha jk im not that mean... except that I did go up and see Jane after her surgery and she thought I was wearing a plastic coat lmao!!!
As far as turkey day goes... yes we are cooking because I dont believe that a ham is anything close to traditional turkey day dinner eventhough Joels mom seems to think it is.
Now the 5k thing that Jane was talking about... I am all for it depending on my work schedule... if I havent been able to sleep then im not up for it...but if I have had some sleep then heck ya count me in! Are we all still shopping on black friday?? What little bit I did with you guys last year was a blast......
Santa 1 to Santa 2 where the hell are you???
Ok Ok you crazy people. I went to bed. You all got way out of hand. Amy I just found out I have no PTO there fore there is no way I can be with you on your day of new beginnings. I would be wonderful but I just can't. I will be with you that evening for a short time. You know all the other obligations I have and the next night is church so I possibly can help on Wed but that is also another bad day. Tell you what just jump on the computer when you get home and let me know how you are doing. I think the weekend before we should have a huge party. My year anniversary, your becoming a loser party and I'll bake a cake for my sweetest Marlee that knows her animal sounds. I didn't tell her mom, I let her find out.
Love Jane