Has your personality changed?

Kathy V.
on 9/15/06 11:17 am - Brandenburg, KY
I hope this isn't too weird of a question, but here it goes..... I am mostly a happy, outgoing person and try to always look on the bright side of things. Since I have told several of my family members and close friends about my upcoming surgery (20 Oct), they have posed the concern to me that they are afraid I will no longer be happy and carefree and may be feeling weak and depressed from food deprivation. Has anyone experienced this reaction? Since I am having my surgery right before Thanksgiving and Christmas, I just think they others are concerned that I will feel sad not taking part in the holiday food festivities. I think I will be fine, but am now a little concerned about how I might be feeling after surgery. Also, I bought a little 1/8 cup measuring cup today, that i thought I could carry around in my purse (in a sandwich bag), so that I will know I can eat two 1/8 cups of food at a time (for meals). Do you think that is a good idea? Thanks! Kathy
Shannon D.
on 9/15/06 12:12 pm - Louisville, KY
Nice to see you! I think the measuring cup is a fantastic idea! I haven't had surgery yet but after hearing Dr.Shina speak on it..it's the only way to know you are eating the right amount each time.He said weight does not matter..it's how much at each meal.I think it would work great! As for the changing..I think people worry you won't be yourself anymore.I know people around me all of a sudden think I am not going to be as sweet,friendly,and moral as I am now.I know it's life changing..and I hope to be confident but I don't see me changing and being a "bad" person just because I am healtheir and weigh less.If I saw that coming..I would seek counsling/help for it. Best wishes!
on 9/15/06 12:49 pm - danville, KY
The only thing that changed in my personality is my self confidence. I don't have to worry if I'm going to fit in a seat or be able to pass someone in an aisle. I've lost almost 80lbs & I get compliments all the time even from the opposite sex. I think it'll be hard to have this b4 Thanksgiving cause that it so food crazy & you'll be on a limited diet but stay focused. I'd get a smaller outfit to be your "goal outfit". That way when everyone is stuffing their faces, you can think about the sexy, smaller outfit you'll be in. Bet you'll be the only 1 to lose weight during Thanksgiving!! The measuring cup is a good idea. Remember that when your stomach sends a signal to your brain that you're full- YOU ARE FULL!!! I would take "just 1 more bite" & get sick so don't do that!!!!
Sarah B.
on 9/15/06 5:09 pm - Cincinnati, OH
I agree that the measuring cup is a great idea! As far as personality changes... I am more confident. I did go through a "what the hell did I do to myself" period... it didnt last long and I am pretty sure that is common just out of surgery. I think alot of it has to do with the food addiction I didnt realize I had. Now, I dont really care much about food. It doesnt bother me to see people eat things I cant have... I'd rather be losing the weight like I have been than to worry about what others eat. I think its well worth it, everyone notices that I have some self confidence and thats a good thing. I hope my rambling has helped... I wish you the best of luck!! -Sarah
(deactivated member)
on 9/17/06 1:53 pm - Elizabethtown, KY
Hey u, I have a tattoo question. My tt was 10 days ago so of course I was already planning on waiting at least 2 months after that for my phoenix tat. But I'm hearing that sometimes the swelling last longer than that. I wonder how long I should wait? I'm having it placed on my tummy, up and to the left on my brand new, sexy belly button ( ) with the tail feathers curling under my belly button. My tummy is numb and I hear it will be for awhile, thats fine. At least if its numb I won't feel them tattooing me. Whats your opinion on the time frame, u r like my tattoo guidance counselor, lol. Hugs, how are u feeling lately? Still tired? Ange
Sarah B.
on 9/17/06 5:59 pm - Cincinnati, OH
I would honestly ask my plastic doc about it first. You need to make sure you are healed enough to be able to get the tat.... I am always tired lol It has been so busy at work lately all I do is run run run.... haha they love me here... Home is always busy as well... trying to catch up on laundry today.... not sure if its going to happen though but I will definately be trying!!! How are you doing since your TT?
(deactivated member)
on 9/18/06 3:15 am - Elizabethtown, KY
I'm doing great. Chomping at the bit cause he ain't released me yet to start doing light house work. I hate sitting around doing nothing. Other than that I'm good. My tummy is still swollen and numb but I hear thats normal. I have to wear the binder at least till Sept 28 when I see him again and from what some people on the ps forum say I might be wearing it longer. Oh well. I might purchase some compression pantys they'd be more comfy than this binder. U take care and get some rest. I was planning on waiting at least 8 weeks till after my tt and I'll ask my ps on the 28th what he thinks, it won't hurt to wait as long as I need to. Theres no rush. Thanks and take care Ange
Kathy V.
on 9/16/06 1:01 am - Brandenburg, KY
Thanks to all of your for responding so quickly!! I guess as my surgery date draws near, I just get to worrying about everything. Congratulations, to the ones that have already been through this life-changing surgery and are doing well. I love being able to consult with everyone pre and post surgery and know that I am not the only one out here going through this!! Talk to you later! Kathy
Brenda W.
on 9/16/06 1:23 am - Winchester, KY
You're going to be going through so many emotional moments, glad, sad, blue meanies, everything. It's going to be something that is perfectly normal and you should expect it. Everything from your hormone levels, pain tolerance, food tolerance to the remarks of others are going to have you bouncing around. How you feel and react after surgery will change over time also. I had my surgery around holiday time and had not the least bit of interest in the food, but was happy to visit and be with family. If you can have someone to talk to, just someone to vent your feelings to, it will help immensely. Does Dr. Shina's office have anyone you can talk to about this? Somewhere Dame Tooter has a very nice article on the stages of your emotions post op. I think it's on her web site.
Jane C.
on 9/16/06 7:26 am - Florence, KY
Hi Kathy, I read your post. I had my surgery last Oct 17. I can tell you everyone is worried and scared and sceptic. But you have to be strong and show them you are OK and this was your decision. I had so many people worried it just made me all the stronger to prove them wrong. When the weight starts coming off and they see you are OK they jump to the other side real quick. They become your strongest support system ever and that is a what will keep things going for you. The holidays were OK. I enjoyed them so much, for one thing I was so grateful. I had so much more energy by then I was up and waiting on everyone else so I looked way to busy to eat like I use to. Your personality won't change. I was very outgoing and fun and laughed all the time and I still am and even more so now. Then believe it or not I could be 300lbs and be totally invisible. Hang in there. Jane
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