Just wanted to give you a heads up after my hernia/panniculus surgery.
Surgery went well, wasn't as bad as I thought, however I did get a wicked infection and am having to let my wound heal from the inside out. That's been pretty gross. Had to wear a wound vac for a month, but they removed 15 lbs of excess skin and fat. Feel much better and am wearing a size 10-12..First time in my life that I can remember wearing that.
Anyway, wanted to tell everyone that May be coming to lexington for the oh conference on 10-27 thru 10-28 about a wonderful consignment store called victoria's vault at 1023 industry rd near winchester rd. She is solely consignments sizes 12 to 4x and she has large size wedding dresses also.
Her web site is She's got some great stuff so if you get a chance stop in.
Tell her renee sent you!
Best of luck to everyone.