I am exhausted.... suggestions welcomed

Sarah B.
on 9/11/06 9:11 am - Cincinnati, OH
Ok... I am 4 months out... I do have a bit more energy than before but I am still totally drained throughout the week. Is this because I work 3rd shift (9:30p-6a) or am I doing something wrong? I take my vitamins every day and I get all of my protein in.... lately it just seems that I cant sleep enough... its like im always draggin a**
Jane C.
on 9/11/06 11:39 am - Florence, KY
Ok my opinion from the much older Aunt. You are working 3 rd shift. You have 4 children ages 6-1 year. Keeping the house going alone not to mention having to have school stuff organized. You have so much going on. You are getting the protein in and vitamins. You're labs looked ok. I am assuming your iron B-12 is good. So I think you need some exercise, walking, which they say gives energy and just some good old sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. So what do you think. Love ya Aunt Jane
on 9/11/06 1:00 pm - Florence, KY
Girl...my suggestion is to get some dang sleep. I know you and I know that you NEVER sleep. I have 4 kids too. I am tired all the time too. However, I don't work 3rd shift and then stay up all day when I get home. I know someone that does that. Do you know her? The normal human being needs more than 3 hours of sleep a day. Anything less than that is gonna make you drag a$$. Take a day off, tell Joel to take the day off and get the kids to school. He has to be responsible for the little uns not in school for one day. You get to sleep until you can't sleep any more. You will feel much better. After you figure out how to do this...call Chris and tell him he has to do the same.
Amy P.
on 9/11/06 1:17 pm - Florence, KY
Good advise Mimi and Jane...Sarah...Honey....You have got to get more rest before you do get sick....3rd shift is rough...no doubt about it....but you have your hands full with the kids..You are a great mom...and I know joel helps you...But he can do more...You need a day to just sleep with no interuptions...like Mimi said...I know you are working out and that is great...but sleep is of the utmost importance right now...The key here is NO INTERUPTIONS....lock your door..or....come over here to sleep in total quiet...and do it soon... I Love You Mom
on 9/11/06 3:35 pm - Sulphur, KY
And the thing about that is -- YOUR SLEEPING -- not eating.... lol So why would you need exercise that day anyhow? ha ha Your body is talking to you.....listen........ha ha Take your mom up on her offer. Everyone else will survive for one day. Hugs to you and God Bless! Sharee
Sarah B.
on 9/11/06 1:59 pm - Cincinnati, OH
Actually I sleep a whole lot more than I did before surgery. 6-8+ hrs a day. I am still working out down at the exercise room atleast 3 days a week... My labs are great... iron and all that is where it should be. Joel is awesome about letting me sleep... but I still dont get why im still tired all the time.
on 9/11/06 3:40 pm - Sulphur, KY
Sarah, I guess I'm not normal either. ha ha So you're not alone! Cause that's how many hours I average. (3 hours!!! How in the heck can we possible think we can survive on that?) And, I do not have the busy lifestyle you have! It catches up to me every 8-10 days or so and I HAVE to take one entire day and do nothing but lay in bed and sleep. It gives me the recharge that I need to get going again, until the next time. I think you just need to recharge! Sharee
on 9/11/06 3:01 pm - Sulphur, KY
Sarah, Have you ever tried Sublingual B-12 Vitamins? They are supposed to be really good. Ask your doctor about them and see what he thinks. Since you do take vitamins already, you don't want to get too much of the wrong stuff, you know? But, they are supposed to do wonders. (They have to be SUBLINGUAL B-12 though.) I don't think you are doing anything wrong. You're body is just telling you to slow down and take care of yourself too! Maybe you just need to find that little carb snack that will keep you going. I hope you can figure it out soon. We don't want you to get run down, and don't forget to drink drink drink water!! Take the time to drink! It really helps too, I'm told. Hugs Sharee
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/06 1:03 am - Elizabethtown, KY
I hope u r feeling better! 4 kids and 3rd shift? Woman, u r my hero! I don't know how u do it. Get some rest!
Sarah B.
on 9/12/06 6:07 am - Cincinnati, OH
I feel fine... just tired 24/7.... I didnt get to sleep much today because I had so much runnin to do. I work tonight and tomorrow night then im off for 2 days woo hoo. I just need a mini nap before I go in tonight or imma be draggin.
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