New pics
LOL gotta love the gory details lol im a semi morbid person anyway lol
I know its way too early for me to even discuss plastics... but i have been pondering it already lol... I have been researching docs... looking at boatloads of pics... im so impatient its driving me insane... I want everything overnight lol
That is pretty dang good! I lost 70 pounds in 5 months and my surgeon was happy but I felt like kicking my own booty. Oh well, it comes off just not as fast as we want it too! I am getting nervous about my surgery, well not surgery exactly. My 4 yr old daughter hasn't spent too many nights away from me. Now she's wanting to go to my aunts tomorrow night, be there Friday all day and night while I'm in the hospital & its worrying me. I know she'll have a great time but she's got a cold or allergys and I'm a mom, I worry. My mom and hubby both are like, let her go, she'll have fun and she won't have to sit around the hospital all day! I just worry when she's not with me..She'll be fine, I am a big baby. She's ready to go and excited and its killing me!
LOL, I'm terrible!