now I have something to talk about
Now this is something I know about. I have had both. The breast reduction is a breeze. I didn't feel ANY pain at all. Just a little discomfort when moving around so much. The tummy tuck.... well, that is a different story. It hurts like hell, the first time you stand up. After that, it's a breeze. It does hurt the first couple of days, then it's smooth sailing. I slept in the recliner for about 6 weeks.... lol You might need a chair in your shower to take a bath because it does take a lot out of you, as far as energy goes. I'm one of those independent people too, and my husband can never do anything to suit me...ha ha But, he was so good with me during that time. Anything I needed, he was right there, so were my son and daughter. And, my mom would come and do my laundry and clean the house. I was spoiled for a couple of months.... ha ha But, you will do just fine!! You sound like a fighter too, so I know you will be able to handle it. The way I did it was prepared everything I would need ahead of time. Even down to the pillow in the car to put over my tummy and breast, and a blanket, because I am always cold after surgery. So, make sure you have those in the car so the bumps won't hurt so much. And have that recliner ready... ha ha Oh, and the chair in the shower was the greatest. I could sit down and give MYSELF a bath. I got that a day after I was home, because I didn't think of that before. But, once I let my husband help me wash my hair and take a bath --- well, that did it for me. He was out buying me a chair!!! LOL Best Wishes and God Bless!
Sharee (P.S. Take your pain pills exactly on schedule and you will be fine!! Don't wait to take them later. Set your alarm and take them promptly!! Believe me, I have experience with that too!! It will make an unbelieveable difference. Trust me!!)