What to take to the hospital?
I had my blood work done today for my panniculectomy and hernia repair Sept 8. It got me excited and wondering what should I take to the hospital? I have to stay one night as long as everything goes ok, I get to go home the next day. He's cutting me from on hip to the other around my bikini line & reopening my open gastric bypass scar, making it thinner, and the hernia repair in my belly button. Did u have this, how sore were u? Should I take some loose shorts or just wear a comfy night gown home? I'm not too worried about how I look going home, just want comfort cause the hospitals 50 miles up the road. I figure toothpaste, deo, stuff like that. Just mainly wondering what to take to wear home. I wore a comfy, big, loose gown home when I had my gastric bypass. It was 10pm before I got discharged so a nightgown didn't really look out of place. Any thoughts and opinions appreciated!
Hon, I have no clue what to tell ya to bring... maybe some fuzzy slippers and definately some comfy clothes...
Other than that I am clueless.... I do want to say that I hope all goes well.... and I wish you a painless and speedy recovery.... I want pics also lol
Good luck darlin keep us posted on your recovery.
lol thanks! I will have my hubby takes pics in the hospital and of my incision when I get home. Then soon as I feel like sitting here I'll try to figure out how to resize pics so I can add them to my profile. Theres before tummy pics at the bottom of my profile now. Of my flab! I don't expect it to be painless but we can hope they have some dang good drugs!
I am so freaking excited I can't wait until next Friday! Then soon as I heal, my phoenix tattoo!
That would be great, thank u! Surgery is Sept 8 so I am sure it will be a day or so before I feel like sitting here putting them on my pc and getting them on my photobucket.com thing, but soon as I do I'll send u my info...
I am getting the phoenix to represent what I've been thru and I know of one more. They're addicting lol.
Hey Angie,
You know Im still pre op, But when I had my hysterectomy, I took loose stretchy shorts or pj bottoms and some t shirts. So that when they have to look at or clean your incision they wont have to raise up your gown, just your shirt and pull down on your bottoms a little . Also when you have to walk the halls, you dont have to worry about a house coat. Hope this helps.
Good Luck and Ill be praying for ya. Amanda
Angie, I'm so happy for you. Take your chap stik or your favorite lip balm. I agree about taking your pj's. Maybe the first few hours be in a hospital gown so if it's icky they get their stuff dirty then when you feel like cleaning up and getting your stuff on and feeling pretty wear something comfy and be beautiful.
Take care Sugar.