Hello!! New to this message board..
Hi, My name is Amy Gentry and I am from Greensburg, KY. I had surgery on 07/25/2006 in Lexington, KY at the University of Kentucky Hospital. My surgeon is Raymond J. Gagliardi. I am a little over 4 weeks post-op and have lost 25lbs. I am very excited!!!! I won't actually believe that I will be skinny until I see it. I guess I have just lived most of my life obese, so it's hard to imagine myself any other way. But I am very hopeful now. I started by journey weighing in at 269, I now weigh around 246. I have two small children ages 6 and 2, and I am praying that this surgery will allow me to be a healthier and more active mother.
Thanks for listening.....and Hello again!!
Hi Amy and welcome....I have heard of your surgeon but had no idea there was a bariatric center at UK..I think there was one some time ago, though.
tell us about the center, do they have the dietician? support group? etc..etc. inquiring minds want to know..but seriously it's important for others searching...
Hi Brenda, Yes they do have a dietician. She follows you the whole time and will call to discuss how you are doing along the way. Altogether it was a great experience and I was very impressed with my experience with them. They do not have a support group yet, I know that they are working on this though.
Hi Amy and welcome. Believe it, IT will happen and the time goes by fairly fast, I think so. Staying focused and motivated and excited helps the time fly by. These boards really do inspire. Good luck and best wishes. The most exciting WOW moment for me was when my daughter hugged me and she got so excited that her hands touch. Its the kids that will keep you going.