Update on "I need a hug"
Well, he called and emailed me several times last night from work saying he was sorry for saying all those hurtful things & that he didn't mean anything by them. I told him last night that just because he had a bad day was no reason to take it out on me cause I deserve better than that. He also said that he was way proud of me for having surgery and he only said it was the easy way out cause he was pissed. I let him think about it all night and all today before I forgave him. He really hurt my feelings with that easy way out crap. He'd supported me pre op, post op up until yesterday and I was just floored that he said that. Even if he was having a crappy day that was no reason to unload on me. Oh well. Alls forgiven and forgotten. Thanks for the hugs!
Not yet,,, I think she just sent it in today though. I had to take her my medical history yesterday. I hope it doesnt take long. She told me to go ahead and start my liquid diet, but its still 20 days. Im not sure how Im going to do 14 days let alone 20. So Im gradually starting it. How did you do with that? Oh and Iv heard that losing the weight makes it alot better. LOL.. See ya Amanda
I didn't have to do liquids that long, only 2 days before. I had open. I know with the Lap rny u have to do liquids to shrink your liver or something. I do know I was on liquids 3 weeks after surgery and I got so sick of soups, sugar free jellos and puddings. Walmart has sugar free popsciles for $1.12 a box, 24 in a box. They're in a pink box by the regular flavor ice popsicles. 5 cals for 2 of them and nothing else. Hopefully u will have your approval soon! They must be pretty confident about u being approved since they've given u a date! Thats good news there.
laparoscopist will often have the patient do a liquid diet before surgery, beit lapband or RNY...it's easier to keep the liver up and out of the way as the stomach is directly under it..
some surgeons will have a liquid diet others will have you do a low carb diet.. some don't require you to diet at all...it's the surgeons preference..but whatever your surgeon tells you to do it's for a good and important reason..