to all Dr Shinas PATIENTS
Maybe it's some kind of test!! Like if the hospital receives it sealed, then he knows you are going to do what you are told. And if it is open, he will know that when you know you aren't supposed to have the Big Mac, you will anyway!!! HA HA
That is a little weird. Why wouldn't they want you to open it? It would drive me nuts. I'd be holding it up to the light and everything else, trying to see what the heck it was.... lol Wouldn't you feel stupid if it was empty!!! LOL That would be a cruel joke, wouldn't it? ha ha
Let me know what it is, when it does get opened. You have me curious now!!
I dont' know when my surgery will be. Tomorrow is the 90 day deadline that medicare gave to Norton's Bariatric Center to be approved as a Center of Excellence. I guess Medicare is going to wait the full limit, or longer! Who knows. I hope it comes through and we can do this thing together. I will probably be at the downtown Norton's Hospital. I think you said you were going to Suburban, is that correct? Is it the 22nd? I'm going to have to go back and see. I've read too many entries....ha ha And, my memory sometimes fails me. It's good that Angie will be there. If I can, I'll stop in too. I never know what's going to happen around my house! ha ha We foster children, and they could call with another one anytime. We only have one boy, age 14, right now. And, our biological daughter. She is 13. But the are complete opposites!! But anyway......... I'll post my surgery date as soon as I hear something. Half the day is already over and I was supposed to hear back from Shelly with a date for my scope. But, guess what? Ange gave me her sinus thingy!!! I didn't think you could pass it through like this... ha ha But, yep, I feel like I'm dragging and I have watery eyes and nose and sneeze at least 10 times a day.... ha ha And, I can't sleep. But, other than that...all's good!