OT: Cookout Ideas??
Afternoon everyone. This Saturday Aug 26 is the last Saturday my hubby has off till after my skin removal surgery and hernia repair. I thought I'd have a cookout for friends, family. I plan on grilling burgers, hot dogs (no I don't eat either but its not me I'm worried about feeding at the cookout), tater salad, etc. What are some good cookout ideas? Each time I have a get together I don't really know alot to do. My hubby said I should cancel this one cause "no one" hardly shows up at my get togethers and he doesn't want to buy all that extra food, drinks when no one will probably be here. We have a volleyball set if its not too hot, card games, etc. What are some good things to cook, do? I am the type of person that just likes sitting around talking. I guess maybe I'm boring and thats why no one comes alot. Oh well.
If any of u want to drop in its Saturday 4pm...