Hi everyone, Here's a post for Sarah S
I put moms pic up.... and yes i noticed 3 family members in a row... funny.............. As far as Roo goes. Joel had the kids outside last night (wed) while I was getting ready for work. He comes running into the house and Kenna is screaming and blood all over her face. She was running on the sidewalk and fell... busted her lip, scraped her nose, scraped her little piggies, chipped her one tooth and that tooth and another are loose. Needless to say I took her to ER to make sure the teeth could be saved. There isnt anything they can do about the chip... and they said that the 2 loose teeth would be fine staying in. its always something.
At moms appt today lol she did ask for a group/family discount haha wish I would have thought about it.