Banded yesterday!
Well, it's official: I'm banded!
My surgery went well, and I feel great. So far I've had to take liquid Tylenol only once, and that was last night at 9:00. I have the On-Q ball that automatically releases pain medication to the largest incision, so I'm sure that's helping keep my pain down. My incisions are a little sore and itchy, and I have a little gas pain in my left shoulder, but it's nothing like I've read some people have experienced.
I'm drinking my protein shakes and have gotten in 40 grams of protein so far today. I've also had grape juice, hot tea, chicken broth, and lots of water. I've also been walking regularly and using my deep-breathing gadget (spirometer).
I had hoped I would feel good in time to start classes Monday (I teach college), but I think I'll even go in to the office for awhile tomorrow!
Thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement. It's great to have such a support system, isn't it??!!