Am I the only one???????
Ok, I had Lap bypass nearly 4 months ago and I have been sick ever since. If it is not one thing, it is another. I have terrible pain in my chest and stomach, but no one knows why. My dr. has run every test under the sun and they have come up negative. I know this is a good thing, but why do I feel so yucky??? I had my gall baldder removed three weeks ago hoping this would solve the problem, but didn't. I was even in the hospital over the weekend for dehydration and low potassium. I feel somewhat better, but by the end of the night, all I can do is go to bed because my stomach and chest hurt so bad. I haven't been able to keep much food down at all, so I am going back to liquids. Last night I was able to keep 3 teaspoons of sf pudding down (YEAH!!!), but that is all I ate for the entire day. Today, I ate the same pudding and puked it back up and now my stomach hurts again. I don't have time for this!!!!!! I have been told that it is rare that people still feel so yucky this far out of surgery, but if there is a chance this could happen, it would most definetly happen to me. Has anyone else experienced some of the same things I have or am I a "freak of nature" (LOL)?