In-network vs. out-of-network for insurance
From the office of Dr. David Geller,
We get this question asked alot, so I thought I would post this here.
We do participate IN-NETWORK with most insurance policies. Typically, by staying in network, patients are only responsible for the standard co-pay and deductable.
We are aware that there are programs that typically are OUT-OF-NETWORK, also known as NON-PAR or NON-PARTICIPATING or OFF-NETWORK. Some insurance policies simply do not provide any coverage for any doctor or hospital that is not in their network. For the policies that do allow for coverage for out of network care, typically there is a separate 'OUT-OF NETWORK' deductable to pay and higher copays. The arrangement of being out of network does usually pay the doctor/provider more, but this puts a much higher financial penalty on the patient. We are aware of programs that charge the patient high charges, in the thousands, for amounts that patients would not be responsible for at all by staying in network.
I hope this clears this up. Dealing with insurance policies and always changing requirements for surgery can be a consusing issue.
Please call if there are any questions. We offer Lap-Band surgery, laparoscopic gastric bypass and laparoscopic revision surgery.
...the office of Dr. David Geller
502-893-7151, fax 502-893-7020