Dr. Bolar's Relocated, NOW WHAT???

on 8/14/06 12:09 pm - KY
Hey all. It's been a while since I've posted. As some of you may know Dr. Bolar has relocated to Tennessee and I was just trying to feel around for a new doc. Any suggestions? I called a couple in the Lexington area and they want $ up front for some type of entrance fee. If I had the money for that I'd just take off work and drive to TN! Anyway, if ever in need this is the first place I go for help so I'm asking you all for some assistance. Thanks All! Angi 301-172-???
on 8/14/06 11:09 pm - Williamsburg, KY
Dr Nighbert at St Joe East does a good job.
on 8/17/06 10:29 am - KY
It seems Dr Nighbert comes highly recommended, thanks! Sorry its taken me so long to respond my internet has been in fits the last couple of days! Angi
vickie R.
on 8/15/06 4:55 am - danville, KY
Hi Angi....i to am one of Bolars patients(so glad i am not now)....i had to find a new doc also..............so i called around and yes all of them want the program fee 250$ at both ones i called..........so i went to Dr.Neighbert and he gave me the ok to pay him in installments..........so maybe you could call........a lady named billi helped me get in the door.......and i am so glad because Dr.Steiner told me that some of bolars patients they were not taken because most have complications. I had to have emergency surgery at st.joe east........i had 8 bowl obstructions and Neighbert saved me..... so you if ya dont wanna drive to see Bolar i highly recommend them.........plus you could set up a consult to see if you like them and there program.............vickie r.
on 8/17/06 10:44 am - KY
Thanks for the reply. I'm curious, what caused your bowel obstructions? Was it a result of your surgery? I have a friend here locally who went to Bolar and they have had to go back in on her 10 times, she has had some problems with her stoma growing back up. Myself, I've not really had any major problems. The past couple of months I was having what I thought may be "dizzy/weak" problems but I went to my family doc and she ran some blood test. Everything came back okay but she said I needed to see a gasterologist (SP?). With the gastric bypass I figure I need to see someone who is familiar with the pouch! The only complaint I have with Doc Bolar is that the last time I went up, which was right at the move time, he was really in a hurry and rushed me in and out. I was asking about some blood work as none had been done since surgery and he stated that he didn't do routine blood tests anymore unless there was a problem (this was before my "dizzy/weak" spells which sent me to the family doc). Thanks again for the reply, sorry for such a long post! I'll look into Nighbert, I just hate to pay that entrance fee, to me that seems like such a rip off. If it were any other kind of physician they wouldn't charge fees like that. Thanks. Angi
vickie R.
on 8/17/06 11:32 am - danville, KY
Dr.Bolar is fool of it............i was having the same symptons that you are.......i was dizzy and i was tired all day so i ask him for blood work.........i have never had any since my surgery.........he said the same to me......i was having low blood sugar probs and he said have you ever heard of lifesavers!!!!!!! i was speechless.....so i went on to st joe to Neighbert.........when i told them i had never had blood work and i was on flintstones they laughed............Dr.Steiner said that i am about the best one of Dr.Bolars patients that didnt have a list of probs..........and i had scar tissue that wrapped around my intestines..........that is when i had bowel blockage...but i will tell you this another girl i no that had Dr.Bolar got down ta 90lbs and he did a complete reversal which he has never done before and she is doing better..........Dr.Neighbert sells his own vitamens...i had blood work and my iron was low that why i was dizzy so he gave me an iron pill......plus i was having bowel trouble and he gave me meds for that and i have been 100% since..............i love thise guys at st.joe and i love the program................completely diff that samaritan.........................email me anytime angi .....................vickie r.
on 8/17/06 11:53 am - KY
Okay girl! I just flipped over to your profile and figured out who you are. Talk about blowing my mind! You and I had chatted some last summer right after had my surgery. I didn't even recognize your pic! You look GREAT! I know there are so many of us on here but maybe you will recall I'm from Eubank and work in Stanford, I had suggested at some time we get together and swap stories but life happened and we never did. WOW. I can't believe the change in you. I'm so proud of all that you have accomplished, you do look great, be proud! Anyway, Later Angi
vickie R.
on 8/17/06 11:43 pm - danville, KY
Thanks Angi..........I have worked my butt off to get where i am....if ya ever wanna get together email me im not that far lol................maybe applebees or something? well you take care of yourself!!!! vickie r.
Delores S.
on 8/18/06 12:33 am - Country Road, KY
Why in the world do you consider the program fee a "rip off". I am a retired nurse and I know that it is very hard to even find another doc of any kind to take over another''s patients. especially surgeons when most of the time, they have to correct the previous surgeon's mistakes. Rip off? I don't think so. You should be glad that there are a few caring doctors out there that will take other docs patients in spite of all the mess they bring with them. I don't mean tosoound harsh but that 'rip off' statement bothered me knowing what these and all other docs go thru. BTW, they didn't used to charge a program fee but they began to have so many patients coming to them needing a new doctor for one reason or another, they started charging the fee. That is a very common practice.
on 8/18/06 9:12 am - KY
Sorry Delores that I have offended but I have to stand with my previous statement. My reasoning: if I decided to find a new family doctor or dentist, they aren't going to charge me an "entrance fee". Yes, they will charge for a new patient fee, but $250-350 is a bit steep. Especially something that isn't even covered by insurance. Yes I am glad that there are docs out there who are willing to take on new patients from other surgeons, but who is to say every patient has had mistakes that need to be fixed? I don't think that I have read any one doctors reviews here that hasn't had some disgruntled patient or at least one that has had complications. And yes, it appears as if it is a very common practice now for the program fees, nonetheless, it is one that I just don't agree with. Again, my statement wasn't to offend, it was to request help finding a new doc. Thanks for your reply. Take Care and God Bless Angi
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