Stupid question...
Thanks Ginny. Reading your response about the "bricks" made me think about how my pouch feels. It just feels very heavy sometimes after I eat. I thought that was just meaning I had eaten enough. Beans don't bother me at all and I do love soup beans.
I ate some sf pudding tonight. I don't know WHAT I was thinking. I guess I was thinking such a small amt of milk wouldn't bother me. I was wrong. My tummy swelled out but thankfully, not as bad as it could have. I'm glad I had only tinsy amt. I am throwing the pudding AND the milk out. I don't want to try that again for months and months... maybe NEVER!
We had steak last night and that doesn't bother me either. I do find that I chew my "tougher" foods better than I do the softer foods... like eggs or cottage cheese. We had pork tenderloin tonight. I also find that eating the tougher meats causes me to not eat so much. hmmm, maybe because I eat it so much slower and chew it so much more?
You know how they told us NOT to talk or watch t.v. when we eat? I find that when I watch t.v., I'm not stressing over my food just sitting in my plate getting cold and I actually eat MUCH slower and chew till it's nearly like pureed. I've started eating with the t.v. as a way to help me slow down. I think this much slower pace will help me realize I've had enough with ALL foods and just stop.