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on 8/11/08 7:42 am
Topic: RE: not losing weight

Thank you Mary for responding.  I needed your encouragement.  As of now I'm only getting down about 50 ounces of liquid and 70 grams of protein and I could visit my bathroom more often.  I am doing the treadmill 30 minutes a day.  So I could do better.  I'm inspired!

Thanks again.  

on 8/10/08 10:44 pm - Winfield, KS
Topic: (spiritual) Devotion #5

Hi, Everyone.
I've decided to post these devotions on my profile blog. That way, if you miss one or just want to reread them, you'll be able to find them easily.
Today's devotional topic may be new to some, controversial to others, and "old hat" to some. However you feel about the topic, I believe that God will use something in this devotion to speak to you. I look forward to hearing from you.
The following is from my personal journal dated April 13, 2007.

     Today God spoke to me about fasting. I have fasted before...a day, several days, 11 days.
     It was at the end of the 11-day fast that God told me, in answer to my prayer about how to get this weight off, "There is a way." That was NOT what I wanted to hear. I wanted to know the way! I was not a happy Christian camper! Finally, I surrendered. "Okay, Lord," I said, "there is a way. Show me the way."
     Several weeks later, as I was taking a bath, the Lord popped a reference into my mind. I love when He does that! I kept repeating over and over, so I wouldn't forget, "Isaiah 35:8, Isaiah 35:8."
     When I got dressed, I went for my Bible and looked up Isaiah 35:8, which says, "And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness..." That's when I knew "The Way is holiness." Even though I wasn't sure exactly how that would relate to weight loss, I just knew in my spirit that it was the key. Now, with this journey, with the Lord teaching me, I know it will all become clear.
     I've read about fasting in the Bible and in other books. I know its benefits, both physicially and spiritually. I know about the different fasts that are written about in the Bible. I know that when I fast, I should not draw attention to myself. I know, also, that I must couple fasting and prayer, for maximum benefit.
     The Lord led me to Isaiah 58:6, "Is this not the fast which I choose, to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free and break every yoke?" I've read that verse before, I've thought of it in relation to fasting and prayer, but always as in the breaking of bondage in other people. Today, however, God showed me that fasting once a week will help my bondage to food be broken, my yoke of self-loathing loosed, and true freedom realized. When that hit me in my spirit, for the first time in a LONG time, I can honestly say that I feel hope springing up within me, and it feels SO WONDERFUL! I am overwhelmed with gratitude to my Father, the Giver of all good gifts, for this gift of hope.
     I was reminded of Daniel, so I went to the Book of Daniel and looked for passages about when he fasted. I found Daniel 9:3-5, "So I [Daniel] gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed and said, 'Alas, O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and loving kindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments, we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly and rebelled, even turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances.'"
     Those verses in Daniel 9:3-5 show me that when I fast, I must incorporate prayer, fasting, and confessing of sin. It is an overall heart attitude of seeking the Lord earnestly. I will be able to fast in a way that pleases God ONLY if I crave Him and His Word.
     The Lord told me that when I am tempted to eat at a time when I am not truly hungry, I can open His Word, feast on Him, and He has promised to fill me up and give me a way out of that temptation.
     Today I had lunch with my friends, Connie and Debra. It was my day to eat 1/2 of what I would normally eat, and it was so wonderful and freeing to eat 1/2, be satisfied with that 1/2, and take the other 1/2 home. When Debra talked about her instantaneous deliverance from addiction to cigarettes, I wanted to say that God has delivered me from addiction to food, but I was afraid that it was just "my" thought, not from God, that the motivation would be to draw attention to myself, and that if I said it, it wouldn't be true or it would "jinx" this whole thing.
     I went to God in prayer over that. He showed me that Satan was behind all those thoughts, and He reminded me to "take every thought captive to the mind of Christ." I talked to the Lord about what I will do, what I will say, when people start to notice that I'm losing weight. It came to me so clearly, that I will say (and mean it), "By the mercy of God, for the glory of God." If I write a book someday, that is what the title will be.

Today, ask the Lord if He would have you incorporate fasting in your life. If so, ask Him what kind of fast would be good for you. (One of the hardest and most rewarding fast times for me was a one-week fast from all technology. After the first antsy day, I was able to get quiet before the Father. But that's another story.)


"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 8/10/08 11:13 am - Winfield, KS
Topic: RE: not losing weight
You have hit a stall (I prefer body adjustment). It's normal. You can push through it. Make sure you are getting in at least 64 oz. water, getting in your protein, and walking. If you're doing all of that, I think it's helpful to up everything 10% for a day or two. Also, make sure you're "regular" (i.e., bathroom visits). You may need some help in that area. If this continues, call your nutritionist.
I'm sure you'll have good news soon. Keep your chin up.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 8/10/08 10:37 am
Topic: not losing weight
Hi everyone, 
I had RY on July 1.  I lost 25lbs. in four weeks but I haven't lost any more in the past 2wks.  I started out at 230 lbs.  I am now at 205lbs.  Has this happened to anyone else?

on 8/10/08 1:41 am
Topic: RE: Lots of Questions
Tallgrass requires you to go to a Sat. seminar before they will actually visit with you.  You will have to have a psyc. eval.  They give you a list of places to go for that in various parts of the state.  I went to someone in Junction City.  He is informed of what is needed for their process.  I had to go to Topeka for some blood work and then met the Dr.  We visited about my choices and what might be best for me.  When I was checking out the different ones it seems that the band didn't require as much pre surgery stuff.  i think in part because it is not as serious a surgery as the others.  I was self pay.  As soon as I went to semina, met with dr. had blood work, I was scheduled for band.  It took about 4 months total.  I had no health issues so that might have been what helped me get through so easily.  I had to do a 10 day pre op diet.  I had approx. 100lbs to loose.

I was very happy with Tallgrass.  I have to drive a little less than 2 hrs.  Did check out Junction City wt. loose program but they had not started the lap band surgery.  That would have been closer for me to drive.

I agree that you need to really ask losts of questions and really understand what is expected.  Also  tallgrass was less in cost or close to others with 2 yrs. "free" fills.  I don't know if they still do that or not.

best of luck to you.
on 8/9/08 10:35 pm - Winfield, KS
Topic: (spiritual) Devotion #4

Hi, Everyone.
I love reading your replies to these devotions. Keep them coming, as they minister to me as well as to others.
The following is from my personal journal dated April 12, 2007. It still speaks to me!

     Today I was wondering why, when I had asked God for help in the past, it hadn't happened that way. He led me to Psalm 81:11-12, "My people did not listen to My voice,...did not obey Me. So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart, to walk in their own devices."
     How true, I realize. Was it a year ago, two years ago (I don't remember) when God gave me an eating plan, but I did not follow it, after a few weeks/months. God gave me a way to exercise, by walking in my friend's lap pool, but I quit going, after quite a few months. Delayed obedience is disobedience. God "gave [me] over to the stubbornness of [my] heart, to walk in [my] own devices." It was done out of love, not out of loathing.
     How thankful I am that God is a God of second chances...of one million chances! My desire is to be fully obedient this time. I'm not going to rush this journey. I have asked God to teach me every day, only as much as I can take in and apply each day, for as long as it takes. I'm not looking for a quick fix. I want to learn what I need to learn, apply it in my heart and life, and leave the results and timing up to God.
     I am eager to receive from Him. I echo the words of Jeremiah in Jeremiah 15:16, "Your words were found and I ate them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I have been called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts."
     I went back to Psalm 81:11-12 and read verse 10 also. It was a "wow!" moment. God says, " your mouth wide and I will fill it." That's the key! I need to open my mouth, like a baby bird, for God to fill me. He will do that through His Word, so I must open my ears to hear what He wants to say to me.

Today, think about all you've learned about weight loss and how you're doing with applying that knowledge. Determine to be obedient today. Thank God for how He's helping you.


"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 8/9/08 12:34 am - Winfield, KS
Topic: (spiritual) Devotion #3
Hi, Everyone.
Again, thank you for your kind comments after yesterday's devotional. Each one encouraged me and fed me.
Today's devotional is from my journal dated April 11, 2007.

     Today the Lord led me to Micah 6:14, "You will eat, but you will not be satisfied." That's been the story of my life! I eat and eat, but I'm never satisfied.
     I realize that my heart has craved fullness and satisfaction, and I have tried to find it in food. There was an emptiness in me that I tried to fill with food. Even when I was delivered from fear and anxiety, there was still quite a bit of emptiness. Even when all the memories returned (from my past abuses) and I began to deal with them, with Dean's (my counselor's) help, one at a time, and some of the emptiness was replaced by God's love, there was still too much emptiness. I continued to try to fill it with food, even though I didn't realize it.
     I asked the Lord to help me know how to find that true heart-satisfaction, and He led me to John 6:53-58, "Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me. This is the bread which came down out of heaven; not as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live forever."
     I now know that while I had been having a daily quiet time and studying God's Word, I hadn't really been feasting on Jesus. If I can do that, I will be full and satisfied.
     I asked for the Lord to give me a daily, weekly plan that I can use and be successful, that will help me focus less on food and more on Him. This is what He gave me.
Monday: I will eat 1/2 of what I normally eat, eating when I'm truly hungry.
Tuesday: Two meals will be meal-replacement drinks and one meal will be "normal."
Wednesday: This will be my day to fast and pray.
Thursday: I will eat 3 normal meals, without overeating.
Friday: This is a 1/2 day (like Monday).
Saturday: This is the 2 meal-replacement and 1 regular meal day (like Tuesday).
Sunday: This is the 3 normal meals day (like Thursday).
     I am free to change the order, as long as I do not have two of the same meal plan days back to back. I think that perhaps this is to help my metabolism. I will put this plan in place today. This is my monthly fast day, which I signed up for at church, so it's a perfect day to begin.
     The Lord also encouraged me to take Communion daily, as a reminder of His sacrifice that paid for ALL my sins, even the sin of overeating.

"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 8/8/08 3:58 pm - Rose Hill, KS
Topic: RE: Lots of Questions
I've been to 4 seminars and I have found the better informed I am before the meetings, the better I am at knowing what is salesmanship and what is real. Good luck and be sure before you decide on a surgery, that you have researched all the surgical options. If you have type 2 diabetes, be sure and check out how each surgery affects that. I know that the DS cures 98% of the type 2 diabetes patients. Stay away from the place in Lenexa, KS. I can give you more information if you are interested. Best of luck.
75% EWL!!!!    Miracles do happen and the DS is mine!
Ginger S.
on 8/8/08 3:34 pm - Central Kansas, KS
Topic: RE: Lots of Questions
My BMI is 39.5 but with multiple other health risks including diabetes (insulin dependent).  I called my insurance and asked if the proceedure was covered and they said yes.  They did not say anything about criteria that had to be met.  When I called Solutions to sign up for their orientation she said there were 4 classes and they ranged from $15-$40.  I thought I could probably live with that.  But if they are going to pull a lot of tricks out of the bag and throw at me, who knows.  I guess I will find out Tues nite when I go. 

Do you have to go to a lot of classes for the Tallgrass group?  I'm trying to keep my traveling to a minimum and my time off work to a minimum.  I work online on the computer so I figure the sore factor won't weigh heavily into my returning to work.  Topeka isn't too bad from Wichita with the turnpike.  It's a good 3+ hrs for me.  My daughter is in Lawrence and it takes us right about 4 hours to make that drive. 
amber T.
on 8/8/08 7:57 am - somewhere, KS
Topic: RE: Dr. Bollman and Flint Hill Surgery Clinic
I just had surgery on 7/28 with Dr.Hachem at Flint Hills Surgical, and I have been SO impressed by him and the staff. (it's a big deal that I'm impressed, becasue I am a picky nurse myself.) I don't know as much about Dr. Bollman, but that he has been doing bariatric surgery for a LONG time, so I know he is very experienced. His son used to work there also, and did my friends RNY, and she has done fantastic with her surgery.
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