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Topic: RE: Nancy L. Update - Explanation of Spleen Removal
Thank you, Mary! I'll tell her.
Topic: RE: protein shakes
I really like the Whey Protein powder that I get at WalMart. They have vanilla, cookies and cream, chocolate and strawberry. I have only tried the vanilla. I add milk, a banana, sometimes chocolate!
Two scoops is 52 grams of protein...and I think it tastes great!
Make sure it is Whey Protein...much better for you and easier to digest. It comes in a BIG container....lasts forever!
GNC also has a protein drink that is 40 grams of protein. It is a flavored water drink. I have only tried the grape frost...not bad!
Good luck!
Two scoops is 52 grams of protein...and I think it tastes great!
Make sure it is Whey Protein...much better for you and easier to digest. It comes in a BIG container....lasts forever!
GNC also has a protein drink that is 40 grams of protein. It is a flavored water drink. I have only tried the grape frost...not bad!
Good luck!
Topic: RE: Nancy L. Update - Explanation of Spleen Removal
Hi, Deb.
Thank you for the update on Nancy. Bless her heart, she really got a "new" body, in more ways than one. I'm so glad that she's doing well, and I'll pray that she can, indeed, come home Monday. If you talk to her again, before then, please tell her that Mary is thinking of and praying for her.
Thank you for the update on Nancy. Bless her heart, she really got a "new" body, in more ways than one. I'm so glad that she's doing well, and I'll pray that she can, indeed, come home Monday. If you talk to her again, before then, please tell her that Mary is thinking of and praying for her.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Topic: RE: protein shakes
I wish I could be more helpful and specific, but, really, everyone likes different protein shakes, and one can crave a certain one and the next person will taste it and go "Yuck!" If you have a GNC nearby, you might see if they will give you different samples. That way, you can try different ones, to see which your tummy likes. Protein powder or shakes can get pricey, so you definitely want to know that you'll like and use what you buy.
Good luck in your quest. :)
I wish I could be more helpful and specific, but, really, everyone likes different protein shakes, and one can crave a certain one and the next person will taste it and go "Yuck!" If you have a GNC nearby, you might see if they will give you different samples. That way, you can try different ones, to see which your tummy likes. Protein powder or shakes can get pricey, so you definitely want to know that you'll like and use what you buy.
Good luck in your quest. :)
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Topic: Nancy L. Update - Explanation of Spleen Removal
Also posted on DS Forum.
I talked with Nancy L. today who was switched on Wednesday.... you may recall that Nancy had issues during surgery that required a conversion to open, as well as having her spleen removed (in addition to her gall bladder and appendix that was already planned).
Nancy has been up and walking. She is able to have ice chips. Her pain is being controlled with morphine and she described it as not bad at all.
She said that either the artery leading to the spleen or the spleen itself had been nicked during surgery and that removal was the only way to control the bleeding.
I told her that should've been good for another 5 pounds lost (jokingly), but she said when she weighed today, it was a gain.... all those liquids during and after surgery.... :O(
Anyway, she is in good spirits and she sounded good too. Yay!
She's been told she may go home on Monday.
I talked with Nancy L. today who was switched on Wednesday.... you may recall that Nancy had issues during surgery that required a conversion to open, as well as having her spleen removed (in addition to her gall bladder and appendix that was already planned).
Nancy has been up and walking. She is able to have ice chips. Her pain is being controlled with morphine and she described it as not bad at all.
She said that either the artery leading to the spleen or the spleen itself had been nicked during surgery and that removal was the only way to control the bleeding.
I told her that should've been good for another 5 pounds lost (jokingly), but she said when she weighed today, it was a gain.... all those liquids during and after surgery.... :O(
Anyway, she is in good spirits and she sounded good too. Yay!
She's been told she may go home on Monday.
Topic: BTV Episode 8 - Insulting the CEO
In episode 8, we answer a question on what to pack for the hospital, discuss drinking during the holidays, and highlight a great one stop shop for Bariatric products.
Happy Holidays!

Topic: "Twas the night before surgery"
Twas The Night Before Surgery
'Twas the night before surgery,
when all through my gut
not a morsel was stirring,
not even a nut."
The suitcase was packed
by the back door with care,
in hopes that a new me
would soon return there.
I lay nestled,
snug in my bed
while visions of calories
danced in my head;
And me in my plus size
pajamas and wrap,
had just settled in
for a long restless nap.
When deep in my mind
there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my dreams
to see what was the matter.
Away to my fridge
I flew like a flash,
ripped open the door
and drooled at the stash.
The moonlight reflecting
off the beautiful snacks
gave a luster of radiance
to all on the racks.
When, what to my wondering
eyes should appear,
but an array of the comfort foods
I hold so dear.
With a familiar feeling
of all those I'd pick,
I thought in a moment
I just might be sick.
More lovely than angels
their voices they came,
and they whistled and shouted
and called me by name;
"Now pizza, now french fries,
now chocolate galore
on cheescake, on ice cream,
on donuts and more!"
From the tip of my tongue,
to the bottom of my toe,
I will miss you all more
than ever you'll know.
As an addict that shakes
and stirs as he sits,
I'll mourn the loss
of my delectable hits.
So back to my bed
I went with great haste,
and settled back down
with nary a taste.
And then in an instant,
in pre-op I sat,
nervously waiting
to no longer be fat.
As I sat deep in thought
and adjusted my gown,
in came my surgeon
in one single bound.
He was dressed all in scrubs,
from his head to his feet
and he seemed very calm
as he eyed me like meat.
He looked at my chart,
with his scope gave a listen;
I don't think he noticed
my eyes start to glisten.
He was chubby and plump
he could lose some himself,
and I laughed when I saw him
in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye
and a twist of his head,
soon gave me to know
I had nothing to dread.
He spoke barely a word
as he prepped for his work,
he paused for a moment,
then turned with a jerk.
And laying a finger
aside of his face,
and giving a nod,
out of the room he did race.
He checked in the next day,
to his students gave a whistle,
and away they all flew
like a down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim
as he walked out of sight,
"speedy thinness to you
and a healthier life!"
Author Unknown
'Twas the night before surgery,
when all through my gut
not a morsel was stirring,
not even a nut."
The suitcase was packed
by the back door with care,
in hopes that a new me
would soon return there.
I lay nestled,
snug in my bed
while visions of calories
danced in my head;
And me in my plus size
pajamas and wrap,
had just settled in
for a long restless nap.
When deep in my mind
there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my dreams
to see what was the matter.
Away to my fridge
I flew like a flash,
ripped open the door
and drooled at the stash.
The moonlight reflecting
off the beautiful snacks
gave a luster of radiance
to all on the racks.
When, what to my wondering
eyes should appear,
but an array of the comfort foods
I hold so dear.
With a familiar feeling
of all those I'd pick,
I thought in a moment
I just might be sick.
More lovely than angels
their voices they came,
and they whistled and shouted
and called me by name;
"Now pizza, now french fries,
now chocolate galore
on cheescake, on ice cream,
on donuts and more!"
From the tip of my tongue,
to the bottom of my toe,
I will miss you all more
than ever you'll know.
As an addict that shakes
and stirs as he sits,
I'll mourn the loss
of my delectable hits.
So back to my bed
I went with great haste,
and settled back down
with nary a taste.
And then in an instant,
in pre-op I sat,
nervously waiting
to no longer be fat.
As I sat deep in thought
and adjusted my gown,
in came my surgeon
in one single bound.
He was dressed all in scrubs,
from his head to his feet
and he seemed very calm
as he eyed me like meat.
He looked at my chart,
with his scope gave a listen;
I don't think he noticed
my eyes start to glisten.
He was chubby and plump
he could lose some himself,
and I laughed when I saw him
in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye
and a twist of his head,
soon gave me to know
I had nothing to dread.
He spoke barely a word
as he prepped for his work,
he paused for a moment,
then turned with a jerk.
And laying a finger
aside of his face,
and giving a nod,
out of the room he did race.
He checked in the next day,
to his students gave a whistle,
and away they all flew
like a down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim
as he walked out of sight,
"speedy thinness to you
and a healthier life!"
Author Unknown
Topic: protein shakes
does anyone know of any real good protein shakes or powder.if so could you tell me what kind and where to get it.thank you
Topic: RE: ANGEL REPORT: Nancy L. has been switched!
I'll be in town by the 26th for the pre-op stuff, my daughter and I are staying with my mother. My mother and I will be there to see you off and wait during your surgery and afterwards!
Mine is 2/5! Just got the date.
I'll be in town by the 26th for the pre-op stuff, my daughter and I are staying with my mother. My mother and I will be there to see you off and wait during your surgery and afterwards!
Mine is 2/5! Just got the date.
Topic: RE: ANGEL REPORT: Nancy L. has been switched!
Getting an angel is simple, you just ask someone to post to the boards on your behalf. That way all your OH buddies will know how you're doing, and you only have to keep in touch with one person -- your angel.
Is anyone going to your surgery with you so far?
Getting an angel is simple, you just ask someone to post to the boards on your behalf. That way all your OH buddies will know how you're doing, and you only have to keep in touch with one person -- your angel.
Is anyone going to your surgery with you so far?