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I am happy for you that you have finally found a way for surgery. I have always said that WLS is the BEST thing I have EVER done for myself.
I must say though, as a patient of Tallgrass, your assessment was WAY off base. Sorry, just couldn't let that comment hang out there like that. The docs there are very sharp and I count myself as one of many who were blessed enough to have them available to me. Best of luck on your WLS journey.
Thank you for the well wishes. Like you, I think that doing this is going to be the best thing I have ever done for myself. It has been a difficult journey for me to reach making this decision.
I'm sorry that you seem to have taken offense at how I described part of the journey I have taken to reach this point. I did not make an 'assessment' of Tallgrass. I described what my feelings/emotions were. I see selecting a doctor as being similar to buying a pair of shoes. I can only speak for myself, of course, but I am not one that buys the first, flashiest or even least expensive pair of shoes. I buy the one that I am comfortable with. I was not comfortable with Tallgrass. That is not an assessment of them nor even a criticism of anyone associated with the facility. I was simply not comfortable with the way things were presented to me there.. And as what I assessed were simply my personal emotions, I am fairly certain that I am not way off base about what my feelings were.
I am sorry you took it personal because I would never suggest to anyone what they should base their decision on with an issue as serious as the choice of surgeon. We place our lives in their hands. I am happy that you were and are happy with your choice. And I am certain that I have made the choice that is right for me.
I see from your profile that you are nearly five years out and maintaining. That is true inspiration and offers hope to myself and others that are still waiting for their surgery date or have not yet reached goal.
I am happy for you that you have finally found a way for surgery. I have always said that WLS is the BEST thing I have EVER done for myself.
I must say though, as a patient of Tallgrass, your assessment was WAY off base. Sorry, just couldn't let that comment hang out there like that. The docs there are very sharp and I count myself as one of many who were blessed enough to have them available to me. Best of luck on your WLS journey.
thanks for the hello. I am anxious but I think I am pretty lucky. I read about people waiting forever to get their insurance approval and mine went through in less than a month. I have the colonoscopy on the fifth of March and have been told that things will pretty much start to fly after that. I have to do the Opti-fast liquid diet for four weeks prior to surgery so am thinking/hoping it should happen by mid April.
Thanks for making me feel welcome.
I just wanted to respond with a hello and to tell you that I'm very happy for you. It's amazing how fast things go, once we make the decision. Congratulations on making the best decision for your health. Keep us posted.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
My checking it all out sent me right here to the hospital in the town i live in . They have Innovative Weight Loss and the surgeons. I attended their first information meeting and it was ALL about health.,. MY health. The questions that were ignored in Topeka were answered for me here.
For the longest time I didn't want this, felt like it was the lazy way out. I was afraid of letting down someone that I care very much about and whose love and respect has given me so much emotional motivation, I was , and am, afraid i will lose that from him. But I have to do this for me.
I don't have the date yet but I have approval. All that is left is a wonderful filmed adventure called the colonoscopy. After that, if it is given the all clear, I will see Dr Hachem and get started on the four week opti fast preparation for surgery. I have the feeling it will all start to fly by after tomorrow when I go in for the pre-appt for the colonscopy.
I am terrified, thrilled, and the closer it gets, I think i am becoming oddly calm and truly believe I have made the choice that is right for me.
If there is anyone from Junction City, Kansas or who had Dr. Hachem in Junction City, I would love to hear from you. I have a pretty good support group but nobody locally, that has had this done. I have an adopted sort of neice in texas that has had the rny but dont get to talk with her too often. [oh, i am having lap rny]
thanks for reading and thanks for any responses.
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I'd encourage you to contact Weight Wise Bariatrics at the Foundation Bariatric Hospital in Edmond, OK. They do WLS, of course, and have several plastic surgeons they recommend and use. I'm not at that point yet, but if/when I have a need for plastic surgery, that's what I will do. Hope this helps.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach