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Topic: Darn ice storm.
I was suppose to go down to Norman, Oklahoma today to do my preop testing and see the dietician but of course mother nature had other plans. Oh well I was lucky enough to have all the appointments rescheduled to January 30th so I guess I should not complain. This waiting is really hard and God knows I am trying to be patient but my surgery date cannot get here fast enough for me. I also hope and pray that there will be no more weather related problems. Please Spring come soon.

Topic: RE: BCBS Kansas City
BCBS of Kansas will not cover any weight loss procedure, diet program doctor supervised or not or medication for weight loss or maybe used for weight loss. This means if your doctor gave you a script for a head ache and the med can also be used for weight loss then they will not cover it. Recently there was a debate as to weather or not they would even cover Beyetta. It is a new drug for the treatment of diabetes but almost everyone who takes it loses weight. I guess the debate was on one side that Beyetta can't be used by someone who is not diabetic. BCBS said that is true but a lot of doctors are giving this drug to patients to include weight loss. Whole thing's a damn mess. If your employer now uses BCBS of Kansas then they're not going to budge. BCBS is a generic name used nation wide. However each company is independent and not tied to the others. Government sponsored BCBS for example might cover it. Is your insurance KC Kansas or KC Missouri? Might make a difference if your employer wanted it covered.
Topic: Accountability Wednesday
Hey Gang,
I brainstormed the idea of "Accountability Wednesdays". What I would like to see from these calls is for us to commit to goals for 2 weeks. I've chosen the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month for us to check in with each other and see how everyone is doing.
If your interested in this "FREE" Dynamic Call, please let me know and I'll get the information to you.
Our first call will be Wednesday January 17th from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST. Don't worry you don't have to be on the call the whole time. Just call in say what your goals are for the next 2 weeks then f/u in two weeks and let us know how you did.
Topic: RE: Having a Hard time deciding!
Choosing which surgery is a difficult and personal decision to be made with the assistance of your doctor. We must choose the procedure that gives each of us the best chance of getting the weight off and keeping it off. What are you willing to do to get the weight off? What kind of life changes can you make and live with for the long term? Getting the weight off is almost meaningless if your miserable for doing it. I chose RNY. I did so because weight loss is statistically better than the band. Longterm studies show that rny is effective at keeping the weight off as well. If I start to fall back into poor eating habits I'm reminded that is bad. There is also a respectable rate of revision from lap band to rny. I'm 3 months post-op. I've lost 74lbs feeling great and happy as a lark. I don't regret my decision to do this a bit. I hope that you're in the same place 3 months post-op from whatever choice you make.
Topic: RE: Having a Hard time deciding!
I think that aggressiveness would have been a good adjective. However, drastic-ness definitely communicated the point!
Topic: RE: Financing???
Some ideas:
HELOC or 2nd on your mortgage
401K loan
Signature Loan (like from CitiFinancial)
Capitol One (has a medical loan, and it is under cosmetic)
Flex Spending Account
Low Interest Credit Card
and I've heard lots of great stories from Mexican Banded patients, you just have to make sure you secure aftercare here locally.
Also... Dr. K out of Denver
Topic: RE: Anyone know of surgeons that take insurance in KC???
I would rephrase the question..... call it an APRON removal, and or Paneaus (sp?)
This makes it MEDICAL and NOT COSMETIC
Worth a shot
Topic: RE: BCBS Kansas City
It is not so much based on bc/bs, rather on what your EMPLOYER has ok'd. Talk to your HR person and ask them if WLS for morbidly obese is covered.
I have bc/bs of KC, but my plan is administered in SC, and I am going to be covered.
Pysc eval and nutrition eval are my main requirements.
if your insurance website points you to
and you look on their "Medical Policies" Page, to Surgery you will find their policy, and it states if it is MEDICALLY necessary
Topic: RE: Looking for a support group in Kansas
There is a support group this Saturday at the Minimally Invasive Surgery Hospital (MISH) 11217 Lakeview Avenue in Lenexa, Kansas at 1045. There is also an informational seminar at 12 I believe for those thinking about surgery. Debbie