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Don't forget to urge everyone you know who have had the surgery or could benefit from the surgery to let their voices be heard as well!!!
To contact the Kansas Health Policy Authority (KHPA) follow this link:
To contact Sandy Praeger, the state Insurance Commissioner follow this link:
To contact Governor Sebelius' Office follow this link:
If you would like to track the progress if the bill, it's HB2672. You can go to the following link to track progress:
I plan to testify before the study committee when the study is conducted sometime around August. And I advise all of you who have had the surgery or are seeking the surgery to get ahold of your local legislators, the Kansas Health Policy Authority, the Governor's Office, and the state Insurance Commissioner to let them know your own personal story.
As I mentioned I plan to testify before the committee when the study is conducted, if you are not able to testify I would be happy to share your stories with the committee. If you would like to provide your story on how you have benefited from weight loss surgery, your need for surgery, how your facing an exclusion, your battle with obesity, or anything related to your struggles you can email me testimony at [email protected] .
Your stories would greatly be appreciated and beneficial to all of us who are in this battle to gain coverage to become healthier persons.
thanks, Chad B.
on 4/3/08 11:53 am