frustrated and despondant in iola
Hi gang!
Greetings and congratulations to you all on your surgeries and success over adversity! Hooorahhhh!
I just needed to vent some of my frustration and hopelessness. I have bc/bs of kscity through russel stovers, and wounldn't you know it, I've been denied twice. Once because of lack of medical neccessity (offered the dr a nekkid pic to send to them) Ha! and the other for "specific exclusion". so I contacted the lawyer that Dr Udobi referred me to. He said he couldn't help me, but if I wanted, for $800 he would go ahead and appeal on my behalf and all. "yeah, right" I'm a single parent (i know I'm not the only one out there) working to raise her kids right. I can't afford to do that.
So anyway, I've been reading posts, wondering how on earth I can get my surgery approved. This is what I've seen :
1) pay for it myself
2) get a secondary insurance, have surgery in another state
3) give up
4) have more comorbidities diagnosed
5) 6 mos of dr diets, jenny craig, registered fitness time
Now, don't get me wrong, I know that it is a fight, and to achieve a goal you must do what it takes. I'm just at a point where I'm tired. Tired of fighting, tired of hurting, tired of everything. I guess I just need a shoulder to cry on. Or some really great advice. (selling a kidney is OUT)

HI sweetie,,
I am still in the waiting part of this journey. I had my first appointment and now waiting for insurance and to get my surgery date. ( fingers crossed)
I am so sad with you that you are frustrated, and I hope things get better. Being a single parent is hard,, very very hard,, and having stuff like this on top of it can make it almost unbareable,, just rememeber that your kids love you,,, ( today I am trying to remember that cuz they are acting like they hate me ) and that you are not alone in this fight.
I hope tomarrow brings a better day.