Post-opters,, how is your skin?
Hi all I still don't have any dates or appointments set yet,, I just mailed my paper work in today. But I still have some questions.
I am just wondering about the excess skin once you have lost your weight, is there anything that you can do to help your skin stay elastic and reform back, I know there will be some sagging and some times you can have plasic surgery,( with or without insurance ) But I was just wanting to know what have you done , what works? I am sorry if I am sounding vain, this surgery is a step for a more healthy me, so I am begin to live my life as a more active mom, that is gonna live a long life. But let's be honest it's about looking better too, ok that's my soap box I guess,, =o) anyway thanks again.

Hey Hun...the whole skin issue really has more to do with genetics, your age, how big you were and how long you were big...I'm 33 and started at 444 and am now at 236. I exercised consistantly before surgery and ever since. I will have to have reconstructives on EVERYTHING!!!! I know that when I do I will have one HARD body!!!!
But until then...I'm strong, healthy and extremely SAGGY!!!
Deanna K