Okay so here is the deal,
ive got blue cross/blue shield insurance, and they don't cover a penny of the sugery, i was wondering if anyone could help me find some information on insurance that will cover it, im willing to change, actually more than willing, i just want information, thanks in advance for anything anyone finds..

On the KS page, you can go to a section on insurance reviews and see which ones pay and which ones don't. You must have BCBS of KS? THey don't pay a dime. I have Fed. BCBS and they pay well but of course you have to be a federal employee (or married to one, as I am) to get that ins. Hopefully, that page can help you though.
I went throught the exact same thing as you are describing. I had problems finding an insurance within my area to cover this surgery. So many of the insurances didn't cover us way out of the city. I do know, that my insurance now has more strict requirements for wls than when I applied just 6 months ago. Take a look at my profile, it explains everything! Good Luck