Hello All!
I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that I came home yesterday (Sunday) about 3:30 in the afternoon. I had to have a chest x-ray done before I left because I was having trouble breathing. The x-ray was clear though so they think the anesthesia and stress of surgery just set off my asthma. I'm having a lot of nausea but my Dr. doesn't seem to be too worried about that at this point. He says that my new tummy needs time to heal and for the swelling to go down so for right now we just kind of hang out and drink Mylanta every 6 hours or so. I will post about my surgery more later. I was just having trouble sleeping after my breathing treatment as they make me jittery and so I wanted to post real quick and let everyone know that I made it home.
Thank you all for your prayers and all the wonderful messages that were sent to me. Thank you to my Angel, Amber Weber. I finally got to meet her and another fellow Marcher, Sarah T., who had surgery the same day as I did. I will post more later. God Bless!!!
Carrie 4 days post op (3/11) - 2 pounds down
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angelettes ==> Joann B.
, LaDonna D.
, Marcie F.

Congtarulations on coming thru surgery without a hitch. Just remember to get plenty of rest when you feel like you need it, drink your water and get in your protein and exercise. Oh yeah, don't forget your vitamins.
It won't be long and you'll start seeing dramatic changes in the weighloss and the way your clothes fit.
I attended the seminar on Saturday and couldn't believe that you were up and around. I hope your recovery goes smoothly and that you are up and enjoying your new life soon. I can hardly wait until it is my turn but right now all I can do is dream and OBSESS about getting it done sometime this year!
Take care,
Joan B