Yes, I'm still Alive!
Hello Everyone:
I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted. The holidays were unbelievably busy for me this year and work has been an absolute zoo this past month!
I have been trying to keep up with the message boards and check on everyone.
First I have to give a shout out
to Michelle Mejia for her successful surgery! I know I haven't been in contact with ya yet but you've been on my mind. I hope you are feeling well and will be up running in circles again soon! We MUST get together soon, I want to be your "Big Sis" and help you as much as possible. In fact, I am wondering if you'd like to ride with me to the support group meeting this Tuesday night? Call me and let me know.
Second, I am doing amazing! I am down to 208#'s and I haven't felt this good in ten years -- maybe more! I can run and work out for an hour and not feel like I am knocking on deaths door! I can say no to any food that I know isn't in my plan and not have one second thought! I feel like the world has opened up to me once again. The most amazing change i've had over the past four months is my self esteem and confidence levels. I don't let anyone make me feel worthless anymore. I've finally been able to come to the understanding that I control my feelings -- regardless of my weight -- I am the one in control of how situations and people affect me. I guess what I am trying to say is that not only has this surgery helped me changed my body, but it has, in fact, helped me change my thinking and that is probably the best thing that has come of it.
Thank you everyone here for your help and support... Deanna, I can't wait to see you! I hope you will be at the support group meeting on Tuesday. Are we on for dinner once again? I hope you had a fabulous holiday season; I, for one, am very glad that it's over! LOL
Sharon, thanks for sharing so much of yourself with me. I don't honestly know where i'd be without all the love, support, and encouragement I get from you and Deanna. You are my ANGELS!
Well, I am done rambling. Hope to hear from you all soon!

She lives!
Woo hooo
I'm so proud of you and so freakin happy that you have found yourself during these last few months. It feels great doesn't it??!!! I agree with you about never going back to the old self again. It so will not happen with me either. It feels so good both physically and emotionally!! I can't wait to see you again, figure it will be sometime in June at the earliest, but who knows. In case you didn't remember, you don't have a choice about doing our girls weekend in KC this summer with Deanna & I!!
It will be the first weekend I am off contract, which to be honest with you I have no clue when that is this year (they miscounted days sometime and I think we are still getting back on track, LOL). Either the 1st or 2nd weekend in June.
So, when do we get to see a nice pic of you?? I'm thinking those of us who don't see you enough need to see a new pic!!
OK, time to go workout. I actually get up this early for a reason other than posting online.
Big hugs Dawn, I'm so proud of you!!!

Oh wow what a wonderful past few months you have had.. and what an inspiration to others.. fantastic.. a new person has evolved and all due to the "help" from the surgeons and continued support from others.. Sharon is a doll and such a wonderful person.. she sure comes thru for everyone.. and Deanna is something else too.. yahoo
Take care and keep up the good work. Hugs, Fran
Hi Dawn,
Sorry I have not gotten in contact with you, I have not been doing a whole lot these days but WALKING and SIPPING. Yes... I made it to the other side, it went alot better than I thought it would. But it's something I would not want to do twice. I am so happy that part is over and now I can focus on losing weight. I went for my two week check-up last Tuesday and I had lost 22 pounds, I am happy about happy. I would like to attend the support group meeting on Tuesday but just don't think I am up to it yet. I feel really good besides having a constant pain in my side all the time. Did you ever have that problem? I am just starting to try a few soft foods, I am scared about the eating part..but I have gotten some really good suggestions on here so I am going to start tying different things. I will give you a call, I have lots of questions and am glad that you are willing to help me out. Next month I want to go to the support group meeting in J.C., so if you are going let me know. I am also very proud of you, your new pic looks great, I almost did not recognize you the first time I seen it on here, you look awsome. Plus, I have to tell you it is so nice to know someone else is close by that has had the surgery, these days after surgery has been some what depressing, guess it is just the unknown of not knowing what tomorrow brings.
Thanks again for all your support,