Hiya Michelle,
I was sipping protein drinks at about 10 days out...granted, you can only drink a little bit at a time, I chose a very thin protein drink, the thick ones didn't sit right. It's important to remember that yes, protein is important...but at this stage..water is of much more importance as your body has adequate protein stores to last 6 -8 weeks. Good luck hon, and if you have more questions feel free to ask or email me. (((hugs)))) and smiles =)))
Hi Michelle,
We have the same surgery date and I was told to include protein drinks in my clear liquid stage upon my release from the hospital. I had one Wedneday and Thursday with no problem...BUT on Friday it did not sit well and I dumped on was absolutely horrible and I hope I never go through anything like that again. Saturday I was so scared to drink one, but I tried - very very slowly - a different one, and it sat okay. I didn't have one one Sunday or Monday since all I had was that one I dumped on. I had my appointment with the doc on Tuesday and told him about it and he told me not to drink them for a while. He said that we have plenty of protein stored and that the water was the important part. Sounds good to me! Good luck!
I agree with Deb, although it's great to get going on the protein drinks, shot for water first. I was using Sci-Fit Amnio Fusion liquid protein drink ( mix for protein early out. Since it was a liquid form to begin with and you mix it with water it was easier for me to handle. I could mix it in a 24 oz. bottle of water and sip on it all day and it wouldn't go to waste (keeping it cold in a wrap around holder). I noticed that the powdered ones that you mix up just didn't have that lasting taste decent thing going on throughout the day. I also agree with Deb in the fact that the thicker protein drinks were harder to drink earlier on. I currently drink at least one of the EAS Carb Control drinks a day now, but they are still thick to me and I couldn't handle them early out.
Keep up the great work!
Big hugs,