Need help with prior weight loss history
Hi everyone! I just went to Dr. Hoehn and Dr. Hitch****'s seminar last night and I am even more convinced than ever! I have already sent Nola all my paperwork except for my prior weight loss attempts. My question is do they really look into the validity of this stuff? I do not remember exact dates and will they be calling the places to verify? I am also trying to remember all the diets that we've all tried numerous times like the cabbage soup diet and none of them worked. If any of you could help me out, I would appreciate it.
I realize that this is a lot of jumping through hoops, but I know it is well worth the effort!

E-mail me and I will send you a copy of my diet history (it's all in one document with other info I sent insurance company). You can usually be pretty general on it. I can honestly say that I have yet to hear of someone's insurance company verifying diety history. Not to say it can't and won't happen or that someone should LIE about their attempts, just that I haven't heard. Maybe others have...I'm just one person.
Anyway, e-mail me at: [email protected] and I'll send you what I used. I'm at work (shh don't tell) and can't get the OH e-mail system to work and can't send attachments through it anyway.
Congrats on starting your journey!!

Gosh...I was really general in my attempt record...I even had a pretty good run of years where I didn't go to a Doc and get weighed...I just wrote a letter explaining my lack of doctors weigh ins and made a graph of my weight losses and gains from the info that I did have. I was approved first try out....GOOD LUCK!!!