How is everyone this evening? I am doing alright. I am totally loving checking in now and seeing all the posts from everyone!! I am sorry, I have not posted. I had company at Thanksgiving and then my mother came to visit to go to my brothers 50th birthday party. (glad I'll always be younger than him!!! hahaha) I am still tired and found I am still a bit low on iron, got to remember to take my iron suplements!!
Sharon, I am so glad you are back and doing well. As always, you, Fran and Deanna, you are always there for me---THANK YOU! Deanna I was close to Hutchinson but my husband was with me and he has no patience to go anywhere but one destination! I hope I can meet up with you next trip. My husband and youngest son are outside hanging up the lights. I think I have most of my shopping done. At least, that's as far as the money goes!
Good to "see" everyone on the board and welcome to all the new people since I last posted. You guys are the BEST!!!!
Brenda Brenda Brenda... So good to see you again.. was starting to get worried but then figured with the holidays and the big food "fight" .. tee hee hee hee just knew you would be back real soon.. company is so great.. love seeing the family members... makes for happy holidays.
Christmas shopping.. well now that is a subject for you.. money? what is that? ha ha ha ha do so love the window shopping tho and making future plans as to what can wear one day.. fun to me anyway.
Isn't that terrific news about Sharon? Wahoo... would love to see her too... oh yeh...
Had the stricture taken care of yesterday so feel 100% better today.. this is so great. Wishing you happy holidays and healthy days... Take care now and watch out for the snow. Hugs to you, Fran
I swear you must KNOW when I'm thinking about you because I was wondering how everything went yesterday. So glad you feel much better and you will be back at it again!!
I am inside enjoying my first snow day of the year. Since I switched my base district I will probably have more snow days than in the past. My other district hardly EVER called off school.
*************On another note***************
I made a decision last night and was hoping for the snow day to take care of it today. I decided that we all talk so much on our profiles about out WLS journey and what we experienced right before & after and all that good stuff, but how many of the post-ops truly explain into the same depth about their PS experience? I imagine there are a few, but I can't seem to find the right profiles. They talk about having had surgery (heck I did it in my own) but no real details. It may take me awhile, but I hope that by the end of the evening tonight to have info posted on my profile about my PS experience thus far. I hope it will be helpful to others like my WLS journey has been too. So, be on the lookout in the next day or so for a major PS update in my profile. Course how much I get done depends on how long I can sit at this computer. LOL
Big hugs to all!! So glad you're feeling better Fran!!!
Glad to hear you survived the holidays. Aren't they just so hard to get through? I can't imagine adding a major 50th b-day party on top of that. Too much for one person!!
Anyway, glad you're back amoung the living. I have to admit that I do not take an iron supplment since it helps block up me. I take a chewable Centrum daily (I know I can take a regular one, but I kinda like the taste of the orange, LOL). Being tired is a huge thing to bring anyone down, but am so glad you are figuring out what's keeping you down. I expect to hear an increase in energy level next month!
Big hugs,