Hi there everyone! I'm a newbie and I wanted to say HELLO!
Verna W.
on 12/4/03 12:44 pm
on 12/4/03 12:44 pm
Hi everyone! My name is Verna and I'm 27. I'm a SAHM to 3 great kids and I'm married to a great guy named Mike. I am looking into WLS and my paperwork has been submitted and has been reviewed by my insurance company. They have requested that I do my psychiatric evaluation now so I'm on a mission finding a good place to get it done at. I have Great West PPO insurance so if I could stay in network that would be wonderful but we'll see. I called the KU medical center today and they want like $170 an hr!! I know that the MMPI test they want me to take can take about 3 hours so I know that's ALOT of moola! If anyone can recommend a good place to go to I'd appreciate it!
You can take a look at my website at http://www.angelfire.com/tx5/mnvwommack
I look forward to getting to know ppl here!
Welcome aboard and good luck on your journey. Not sure what/who is considered in-network for you or any of that great stuff, but I chose to go with Dr. Thomas Coleman in Manhattan and paid out of pocket $240 for the entire exam and his report. I later learned I could have submitted to the insurance for them to pay, but I didn't. I'm sure there are other places that woud be closer to you, however I wanted to let you know who I chose. I'm sure others in the Wichita area will chime in on who they used.
Good luck to you!

Verna W.
on 12/7/03 1:42 pm
on 12/7/03 1:42 pm
Thanks again for your input! I'll definatley give them a call in the morning. I don't care if I have to travel or whatever...I'm going to have to travel to Junction City anyway!!! I was wondering, did he do just your psych exam or did you have the mmpi as well? No one here in Wichita seems to know what that is and when I've finally found 2 that does, they want way too much for it LOL!!!!
Thanks again, I checked out your pics and you look great!!!
Yes he does the FULL exam. I can't recall how many hours I was there, but I was interviewed by him first then I completed the MMPI-2 as well as the MBMD-II (the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic) which is more of a medical history inventory, than a personality inventory like the MMPI. I'm a School Pyschologist, so it was important for me to go to someone I didn't know professionally and I did like him. It was kinda funny being on the other side though, but that's just me.
He also had my full written report to Dr. Bollman's office within the SAME week he saw me, which I thought was great especially since I've heard that's what holds up many people in their process.
I don't have his phone number, but if you contact Pam or Patty at Liv-Lite and let them know you would like to use him, they can get you the number.
Thanks for the compliments on the pics and good luck on your journey! Woo hoo one more thing down!

Verna W.
on 12/8/03 7:51 am
on 12/8/03 7:51 am
and got my exam with MMPI scheduled for Jan 6!!! I'm so excited about it but nervous at the same time! I hope I don't say the wrong thing.
So, for those here who've done their Psych exam is there anything I should say or not say? LOL!
Thanks again for your input! I talked to a lady named Billie about it this morning and she was so nice!!!!
Woo hooo glad to see you were able to get that ball rolling. Seriously, it's not a big deal. Just be HONEST in your answers and be comfortable. Dr. Coleman is a supporter of WLS so it's not like you're going to have to CONVINCE him that it's a great thing to do. That in and of itself shoudl relax you. Just be yourself and everything will be fine.
Congrats again!!
Big hugs,
Hey Verna...I went to Dr Coleman in Manhattan too...I also had Great-West PPO I paid out up front the same as Sharon and got a check back from Dr Coleman after the insurance paid...if I remember right it was for like $150...so not too bad and he's a nice guy, he runs the support group up in J.C. for Liv-lite.
Deanna K

Verna W.
on 12/7/03 1:44 pm
on 12/7/03 1:44 pm
Thanks for your input as well! I saw your pics on Sharon's site.. you go girl!!! I think it's great that y'all have stayed good friend throughout your journeys!! Support is always a good thing, right?!
I hope Dr. Coleman will do the MMPI so I can get this done and over with! I'm so ready to get the ball rolling on my journey!
Thanks again,
Welcome to the board. Speaking from someone who has NOT had surgery yet, you will find SUPER support on this board and make lots of new friends!!! With my insurance, I called them first to get a list of providers in my area covered by insurance. They gave me a list of 2. My Doctor or insurance did not specifically request the MMPI, just an evaluation of some sort by a psychologist or pshychiatrist. I had a 2 day interview lasting an hour each time at the rate of $90 p/h. Then the report was charged extra as $90 per page - mine was a 2 page report. Because this was part of my network, I did not have to pay anything upfront. The PSY submitted to insurance and I am still awaiting a bill from him. I liked him very much and decided that once post op and healed (4-6 wks later) I will see him on a regular basis. There can be OH SO MANY issues after WL and it is very hard on a marriage. SO as a preventitive, I am seeking counciling BEFORE things go bad. I have a very loving husband and a great family - the last thing I want is for somthing to jepordize my marriage. BTW: I too am a SAHM with 3 kids. My surgery is schedualed for Jan 26th in Topeka. Good Luck on your journey.