WLS Support groups?
I've been wondering where most of you go for your support group meetings. I went to the one in JC long time ago with a coworker who was considering the surgery, which started me on my journey. The I atteneded the one in Topeka at St Francis before being able to see Dr Steward. What are some of your thoughts about which meetings are best to attend and where can one find the schedule of those meetings. Since I had my surgery on 11/10 I have gone from 276 to 251.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

Congratulations!! You are doing great. I live on the Oklahoma border and it is so far for me to go to JC to attend the meetings. I have joined the local TOPS group here and have really gotten some great support from it. I don't know if this is highly recommended but it works for me. Keep up the good work..
Deana (you know how hard it is to only type one N? LOL),
Congrats on you loss so far!
IMHO, I think ANY support group you can attend is great. I too live too far from JC to attend their meetings and am not too close to any groups here that I would want to attend (meaning I don't attend a support group). Course anything near me would mean at least an hour or longer drive to get to, so then I look at who's offering the group. If it's a surgeon's run one, I consider what I've heard about the surgeon and their practices and decide from there. I haven't heard about groups run by anyone who is not centered with a particular surgeon. Obviously since I'm not attending any groups, you can figure out what I've decided.
Yes, if I had the time I would definitely get one going in my area myself, but I simply don't have the time to do so.
Anyway, the point is that you can attend any support group meeting that will fit your needs. I LOVE going to the ones in JC when I'm able to go (those whole two months in the summer) mainly because I LOVE the people and the atmosphere. It's laid back and everyone is more than willing to share their story and their comments. I particularly like that there's a separate group for post-ops first and then the pre-ops. There are meetings in Wichita, Hutch, JC, Topeka, KC and all over to choose from. If you're in the testing mode, just give a holler to people on this board to find out when the other groups meet. Lisa P. can give you info on the one she's been working on getting going (way to go Lisa!), Deanna can give you info on the one in Hutch and you have the info on JC and Topeka ones.
Big hugs to you,

Hey Deana...(and Sharon thought SHE had a hard time not putting in another N!!!!)
I just wanted to give you the schedule for J.C. just in case you didn't have it anymore...It's always the 2nd tuesday of the month at GCH and the post-op meeting starts at 5:30 and the pre-op meeting starts at 6:30...you would be more than welcome to come and like Sharon said it's laid back and we're very friendly!!!!
CONGRATS on you loss so far...you're doing GREAT