What should I be doing????
Jenni R.
on 10/17/03 4:20 am
on 10/17/03 4:20 am
OK....I know I can count on my fellow Kansans......I'm 2 months away from surgery tomorrow (which is also my 45th birthday....so I'll be 10 months post-op on my next b-day!) So........what should I be doing in the next 2 months? What are your suggestions....about anything....food, exercise, mind-set, things to gather/ buy....what should a 2-month pre-op be DOING? Praying....I'm already doing that one but beyond that????? Thanks!
Hey Jenni...START EXERCISING!!!!!!! even if it is chair exercise, walkin', ANYTHING but start NOW!!!! your recovery will be MUCH faster...and you'll be able to deal with the emotions of it all easier(good ol' endorphins)...jmho
. Also keep a POSITIVE frame of mind if at all possible...keep thinking about all the GREAT things you and your family are going to get to do this time next year...how much better you're going to feel!!!! Sharon (click part2) also has a GREAT list of what you should do and wnat to get on her profile...you might go check it out!!!
Deanna K

Hi Jenni-
Well, I am 2 months post-op and feeling great, but I do have one major piece of advice for you. Don't look at this next two months as your last chance to really eat and to go crazy eating. You will just gain pounds that you will have to turn around and lose after surgery. This could slow down the total you end up losing. You don't want that! I did what I said don't do, and I'm sorry. I gained 25 lbs over the summer while waiting for my surgery. I could be that much closer to goal now if I hadn't done that. See what I mean?! Go out for an occasional meal, but eat very sensibly the rest of the time. And try to get off caffeine if that's a problem and start drinking 64 oz of fluid (preferably water) a day. Talk to any of us post-ops about any questions or fears you have. We're all happy to help.
Jenni R.
on 10/18/03 11:36 pm
on 10/18/03 11:36 pm
Thanks, Deanna and Renee.....both of you sent good advice. I'm making an effort to do better with exercise....I've always done some exercise but have indeed flaked on it lately. Yesterday we met our DIL at Rolling Hills near Salina and we walked all over there....not fast of course, but at least it got me into the groove of moving.
And....alas, I'd given up caffiene once but started again.....it wasn't hard last time......I just need to DO IT again. And I'm trying soooo hard not to think of all these "lasts" with eating....I do love my carbs but hope I'll be one of the lucky ones I hear about that has little desire for them after surgery...I do plan to follow my surgeon's instructions to a tee.
Well, if anyone has anything else to add, please let me know.....I'm trying to focus on what I need to do.....and stay calm. So far I'm doing OK with that. I do get a bit tearful ocassionally, mainly cuz I don't want my kids to be scared.....I've put off telling them cuz the youngest one is a worrier. But I will need to tell them soon. THanks all! Jenni
Remember something very important...take your MEASUREMENTS before going to the hospital or a day or two before you go. Because when it comes down to it and you hit those plateaus, the measurements will tell your weightloss better than the scales any day of the week. It's whether or not you are losing inches that truly matters. So don't forget...and take them every where you can think of....wrist, ankles, neck, etc....you get the point. Measurements are important. Stay focused!!!! If you plan on taking your doctors suggestions, then do it and don't stray from that because that is going to be your best weapon. Last but not least....try, try, and try again....if something doesn't agree on day then continue trying...
Oh wait I thought of one more, when you are at the hospital....I don't care how bad YOU think you feel....get up and walk cause the more you walk the sooner you'll feel better and the sooner you'll be able to go home and get this journey underway!!!!!
Good luck to you and God Bless...you'll do fine.
Your WLS friend,
Lisa P.
Dr. Bollman