Hi everybody! I got a date! Are you ready for this...
They call me today (10-07-03) at 11am..... Surgery is schedualed for WEDNESDAY... That's right this coming wednesday Oct. 15th.
Pre-Admission Testing is on Monday the 13th, So I need to get a flight to leave on Sunday. Thats only 4 days from now!!!
Doing the happy dance!
I've got so much to do and so little time to do it. Between packing, arrangements, and all that, I got kids and their activities to do (allot this week) SO BUSY... SO EXCITED!!!

Wow, how lucky for you to get a date so quickly! Less time to fret and be anxious! Shop now for some bandages and tape, etc. that you will need to change frequently after surgery. You won't feel like getting out to look for it for awhile after and may not know how to describe what you need. If you are given morphine in the hospital, it makes you hot so take a little mini fan with you. Most of all, try to relax and realize that this is the best thing you have ever done for yourself. I am 7 wks post op and down 37 lbs.
Good Luck!