I am so nervous...
I am new to this site and just wanted to let every know that I love all the positive comments, it has helped ease my jitters somewhat.....My surgery is scheduled on August 26, 03, in Junction City. I was wondering if anybody else was having second thoughts, as to having the surgery before the actual surgery. I am anxious to have a new life ahead of me, whereas before nothing seemed to answer my prayers in this search of "helping me get rid of this excess baggage". I would love to hear any comments from people that would like to share their feelings about how they felt about a month before surgery, you all seemed like you did not have any fears. I guess I need to just think of how life will be so much better, after I have a new tool in place to help me to the road of, "dreams coming true"
I made my decision on my own before I even attended a support group meeting. It took me many years to reach that point, but I honestly never second guessed that decision. I'm older than many of you, 49. I had lived with this weight for 20 years and just wanted to be rid of it. Was I scared at times? Absolutely!! But I never wavered in my decision. It is much like having a baby, as time passes you kind of forget the unpleasant parts of it. But even so, I remember in the hospital thinking that it really wasn't so bad. The pain was manageable. The staff is terrific and that helps a great deal. I did not have any visitors in the hospital, I was a little nervous about that and felt somewhat sorry for myself. As it turned out, I'm glad I didn't--I didn't have to entertain anyone and could just do what I wanted or nothing. Good luck!! You'll do great and be much happier with your changes life.
Oh MICHELLE!!! Bless your heart!!! I think that if I had never had surgery before this one I probably would have been a little more nervous about it...BUT since I've had several surgeries I really just kept thinking about all the things that I was going to be able to do again and how much better I was going to feel. I really didn't think about the actual surgery until the day before, when I had to pack my bag!!! You obviously need to go into this with open eyes, and know the risks and what could happen. BUT you also have to go into this with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE!!! You can't sit around and think the worst...try to keep it positive and think about the things your going to get to do with your friends and family and just the little things others take for granted...you know, crossing your legs, picking things up off the floor without passing out, fitting in the seats COMFORTABLY in the movie theatre, you get the picture!! The actual surgery is going to influence 2 weeks of your life and this wonderful "GIFT" or "TOOL" is going to shape the rest of it. YOUR dreams WILL be coming true!!! BIG HUGS
Michelle, Congrats on your surgery date!! Woo hoo! You and Dawn will be so close to each other with your dates too. Just fair warning, Deanna K. and I had surgery within 2 days of each other and we are so inseparable now! It's so kewl to have someone going through the exact same thing, at the exact same time, and at the same place too! You can wreck havoc in the halls together too.
Now, on the other things, LOL.
Being nervous is simply part of the process of know that you are changing your life. Once you have accepted the fact that you are making a decision to better yourself for your physical and emotional well being, that nervousness WILL go away. Once I knew that I had researched everything, I never second guessed my decision because I knew I had chosen a wonderful surgeon and program and knew I was going to do my best to make my tool work for me. Your WLS journey is a very personal journey, but to make the most of it you have to have a positive attitude about it. I'm STILL excited to wonder what my life will be like NEXT summer. I've had so much fun this summer, I'm getting closer to being 'normal' and I can just taste it. It will get better the closer you get. Some things that you can do to ease your nervousness would be to: purchase your supplements, foods, small containers for all that leftover food, and start shopping the clearance racks in stores RIGHT NOW for next year. This time last year, I bought so many shorts and shirts off the Wal-Mart clearance racks for $2-$5. I made the rule to never spend more than $10 on any clothes because I didn't know where I would be. For me the shopping was the thing that got me so excited and was helping make it real for me. I STRONGLY suggest anyone having surgery anytime soon to start shopping the clearance racks. Go ahead and buy those size 18's, 16's and 14's! It will be so much fun for you. Michelle good luck and RELAX, you will be in great hands! Also, you should look into going to the Hutch support group meetings too. There's one tonight, Dawn or Deanna can give you directions they are totally AWESOME! I wish I lived close enough to go to them and the Junction City ones more often.

It is so very normal to be nervous! I was nervous, anxious, excited and even waaaay grouchy before surgery. I did okay during the day, but at night when things were quiet I would have second thoughts...scary thoughts. I could not have continued to "live" in the state I was in...my weight was affecting my work, my marriage. my general sense of well being, physically and mentally. I was dying inside and had become a hermit...secluding myself from the world despite the fact that I had two jobs, one which required extensive travel and speaking to 100s of people! I had very little options to weigh, so surgery for me, was the only hope. I am so thankful for this life I have been given, I will NEVER take it for granted!! Sure, it's still hard, but it's a different kind of hard..now I have a tool that helps me make decisions and the relentless and constant thoughts of food are gone. I will never be a slave to that again! This is an incredible journey and we are all here to hold your hand along the way. It's so worth it!! Go for it!! ((((hugs)))) and smiles =)))
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...for all of your kind words of wisdom, and most of all for sharing your personal stories with a stranger. I will be going for my pre-ops on Thurs. so until then I will contiune reading all the wonderful stories. I have a really stupid question to ask, can anyone tell me if the lap. would be better than the open Roux-en-Y? I forgot to ask Dr. Bollman and it seems like it is a much easier surgery. You all are the best.... you have made me feel much better. I can't say how much I appreciate reading your posts. Good luck to all of you, and thank you again.
Hi Michelle...Lap vrs Open...a very ongoing debate. When I had my surgery, 4/12/01 lap was still very new and not practiced in the KC area, I would have had to gone to St. Louis or...I even considered San Diego, CA. There are definitely still some pros and cons regarding this subject. Lap surgery is a fine art that requires intense training, I certainly wouldn't want to be someone's first Lap procedure!! The lap procedure has come a long way, and now you have many surgeons to choose from who perform this surgery quite well. There are some restrictions to who will perform the surgery and what their guidelines are in terms of body mass index, liver size, girth, etc. I had the open procedure, number one because no one in the area did lap and I didnt' want to travel, number two--2 1/2 years ago the lap procedure could last up to 6 hours..I didn't want to be under that long, number three--I wanted my surgeon to "look around" to be able to see what he was doing and that is best done in an open procedure. I had lap gall bladder removal in 1983, I have to tell you that the pain I had with that was much worse than my open RNY. The reason: in 1983, they gave me demerol for pain management--it did absolutely NOTHING for me..never has. The recovery period was significantly shorter, I was back to work in 10 days...however gall bladder removal doesn't require so much rearranging of your insides either. For my open RNY, I had a morpheine pump, I had an on-q pump, and I came home on liquid loritab. I was in the hospital for 6 3/4 days, yes a long time....but my pain was managed very very well! Things have changed now, and I know that most hospital stays are 3-4 days....I can't imagine! but...lol..then again..i'm a wimp!!! The worst pain I ever had was in my back, from having my stomach muscles cut and not being able to "hold in my stomach" to support my back. I did not have a binder because on the on-q pump and because my surgeon doesnt' use them---thinks they inhibit deep breathing. I think a binder would have been very helpful after I went home to hold in my stomach...but I used a pillow or my hands to actually hold up my tummy. I know this is long...but I hope it has been helpful for you ((((hugs)))) and smiles =)))
Hopefully you will remember me, we used to work together at Arrowhead West. I wanted to let you know that I am also having the surgery. However, since my insurance doesn't cover, I am 'saving' money for that day. I want to extend my prayers and let you know that I am thinking of you. I will see you on the losing side.
Gina McCarthy