Great People
Just wanted to let everyone know that next week is my psyche eval, and by the end of the week, I should have a date!!, now, probably in OCTOBER!! Hooray.!!! Went to the support group in Topeka last Sat, and have met the greatest people!! Fran, and Rhonda. Meetings are so well attended, so have to get there early. There is so many great people there, just want everyone to know how much support we get at these meetings. I even drug my husband this time, and he even asked questions!! Great husband, I have!!. This is a family project, my son, and his wife, and I are all having this done. Can't wait to tally up all the pounds we loose together. Again, great people, Thanks for the support, Ginny Graham P>S> from looking at Fran's cookbook, I ordered one, and got it yesterday, it is great. Divided into segments for us WLS people. Called: Eating for Life--if you are interested, email me, @ [email protected], and I will send you info. This is a "should have" for all wls candidates. Good recipes.