Well, I've been looking into this for a VERY long time. I'd love to have this surgery but, I'm afraid...of many things. How long after the surgery, are you able to eat without chew chew chewing your food? Is this a permanent need? What kind of quality of life is there a year + afterward? If any of you had it to do again, would you go the same route?
Suzy...Salina, Ks.
I'm glad to see that you are questioning every aspect of the surgery. Having all the information before making a decision is extremely important!
I am almost 10 mos. post-op and I don't even notice the chewing. The key is that I eat relatively small bites (compared to the big mouthfuls I ate pre-op) and don't chew tons. If you chew so much that the food you are eating has no flavor, that's too much chewing (according to my surgeon's nurse). After the first few months you are so used to chewing that you just never notice it. Now, if I'm not paying attention to what I'm eating (gabbing on phone, watching TV or whatever) and I take too big of a bite, I notice it then. I've never gotten anything stuck so that must be good, huh?
Although I can't give you long-term results, I have the best quality of life right now. I am able to do everything I've always wanted to do and then some. Since surgery, I have been to my PCP ONCE for a sinus infection at 8 mos. post-op. I am healthier now than I've ever been in my entire life (none of that being skinny at one time and gaining weight later for me, I was always fat). Next weekend I am going whitewater rafting for the first time and I most certainly wouldn't have attempted that at 325+ lbs. I participated in the Relay for Life where I actually walked it myself instead of donating money. I have more stamina than anything I've ever known.
If I had to do it all again, I would do it over and over! I've lived my entire life being fat. I am now experiencing life at my smallest size ever and I'm loving it. My confidence has soared and I love just being able to do anything I want. Life is definitely good. I only wish I had done it when I first began researching it 7 years ago. Of course if I had I wouldn't have had the WONDERFUL surgeons I had or met the BEST people in the world from having WLS. The time was just right for me.
IMHO, the more informed someone is about whichever surgery they choose, being positive about it, preparing appropriately beforehand (beginning to exercise, deep breathing, etc.) the better you will do. Attitude is a huge factor which will bring you a long way. I hope this helps. Good luck in whatever decision you make. Hugs.

I totally DITTO EVERYTHING Sharon said(I know, those of you who know us aren't shocked). The whole chewing thing is a little different to get used to but once you start doing it, you really don't think about it just retrain your brain a little. It does help to take smaller bites and Sharon even used a baby spoon to begin with(GREAT IDEA) I didn't, but was very aware of the size of my bites. I too am only 10 months out but my quality of life is FANTASTIC. I haven't been brave enough to do some of the BIG things that Sharon is doing yet, but next year, I am sooo doin' some of that stuff!!! I'm really enjoying and celebrating some of the smaller joys in life right now, like going to a theatre and fitting in the seat, going to my friends college graduation and being able to walk up the steps of the stadium. Going to my husbands work place and not worrying about what his co-workers might say about my weight. Fitting in ANY booth or chair in the restaurants in town. Walking all night for the Relay for life with my friends and family. Being called "SLIM" or "SKINNY" at 285lbs. Being told that the water exercise class I teach is the hardest of them all!!! Just being able to go clothes shopping anywhere and not getting the LARGEST size they have and praying you can squeeze into it. MY husband, family and friends telling me how PROUD they are of me and how glad they are to really have me back in their lives again For me it's defineately the little things that have made my life "quality". And as Sharon said YOUR attitude is 9/10th of the battle. If YOU keep it positive it WILL be. As far as wether or not I would do it over again...YES, tomorrow and I wouldn't change a thing. Not my surgeon, not my date, NOTHING. I'm really glad you are trying to go into this with wide open is really important to ask questions and get all the info you can so you can make the right decision for YOU!!!!! BIG HUGS