Just needed to vent a lit...

Brenda B.
on 6/2/03 10:30 am - Lenexa, KS
Just needed to vent a little bit today. I am having the worst time with my job about getting the time off to go to all the required consults etc. that are required for this surgery. My job counts every minute you take off against you, if a doctor visit is over 4 hours, it is not a doctor visit. I had to go to the nutritional consult at the hospital, it of course took longer than 4 hours. Actually 6 counting the time to get there and back. They want me to call it personal with no pay. I said no, it is a part of my whole surgery, they said they will call me back. Ugggghhhhh. I am so tired of having to go through this every single time. I thought they hired an adult. They pay me like an adult. You would think they could treat me as an adult. Guess not! Sorry. On a bright note, it is one step closer to having my surgery, that is if I still have a job!!! LOL (I hope!) Where have all the Kansans gone? Look for you all on here every day, hope to hear from you all soon!
ginny G.
on 6/3/03 1:44 am - Reading, KS
Hi Brenda: I am sorry to hear about your job giving you a hard time, just when you are ready to go through all this for yourself, someone puts sticks and rocks in your path, but hang in there, just wait until after the surgery, and they see what is happening to you, they will be amazed. Don't you feel that most people treat overweight people like second class citizens? It is like the fat in our body blocks our brains. We are ready to have our surgery, and then look out world!! Here we come!!! I wish I were that far along with my tests, I have my first appointment with Dr. Steward on the 20th. First time in years that I wish time would go faster, lol. I will have my surgery in Topeka, closer to me. You don't have a date yet, do you? Keep in touch, Ginny Graham in Reading KS.
on 6/3/03 6:57 am - KS
Hi Brenda, I too am wondering were all of the Kansans are. I look on here almost daily and there aren't too many posts, oh well, guess it just takes time for everyone to become familiar with this new board. As far as the job is concerned, I too had plenty of time that I had to go into the doctors for all of the tests and visits, my company however, did not pay me for any of that time, what I did was FLEX my time. What this means is, for instance, if I had a doctors appt. at 10:00am, (that was my normal start time at work) and I did not get into wor****il lets say 3pm, I would work an addtional hour that day, and an additional hour 4 more days until all time missed was made up. I don't know if you have that option where you work, but unfortunately, the company is not obligated to pay you for the time you take off to go to your doctors appt, just like they would not pay a pregnant employee to take off to go to a prenatal visit. Hope this helps you feel less frustrated....Have a good day Gloria
Edith W.
on 6/20/03 11:03 am - Armpit of, VT
I was just checking this board for my sister who is in KS and I have a possible answer to your problem. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal mandate that allows you to take 3 to 12 months off depending on your situation and not be penalized by your employer and you would have to be allowed to take your vacation/sick hours accumulated. Check with your human resources dept for the paperwork. It is designed to be used in any size block- even single days. Obesity is considered a disabilty and your co-morbidities- if you have them- would qualify you easiy. Pre-op appointments qualify. Check with HR.
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