Lots of Questions

Ginger S.
on 8/7/08 6:13 pm - Central Kansas, KS
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to the boards and new to this journey.  I hope someone can answer some ??? I have.  I live about 90 miles NW of Wichita and my docs have recommended Dr. Dort.  I called and found out I have to go thru the classes at Solutions for Life so called there.  I was told there was an orientation and four classes.  Now I am seeing folks talk about things like a phych evaluation and three month diet etc.  What is really required?  I have a lot of driving to do for these classes with the cost of gas.  Now am I also going to have other multiple hoops to jump thru? 

It took me a long time to decide to do this and I don't want to wait.  I am almost 61 so time is not my friend.  I am in so much pain that walking is almost impossible any more and I do not want to wait.  I am going along with these classes as I was given no option but hearing the possibility of this other stuff just really scares me.  Does Solutions and Dr. Dort require all of this? 

I also have not seen anyone discuss the Weight Loss Surgery place on N. Ridge.  Has anyone gone to them? 

on 8/7/08 7:47 pm - In America, KS
HI Gin,

Welcome to the Kansas board.  You did not say if you are a self pay or insurance covered.
The Solutions for Life is rather expensive.  What is your BMI?
If you are insurance covered, you need to find out what they require for WLS, then you will know "what hoops" you have to jump through.

I am not having my surgery in Wichita, but having it in Topeka with the Tallgrass group, enen thought I am in Wichita.

Good luck and I hope to see you here often,


I give because I have been given much.
Ginger S.
on 8/8/08 3:34 pm - Central Kansas, KS
My BMI is 39.5 but with multiple other health risks including diabetes (insulin dependent).  I called my insurance and asked if the proceedure was covered and they said yes.  They did not say anything about criteria that had to be met.  When I called Solutions to sign up for their orientation she said there were 4 classes and they ranged from $15-$40.  I thought I could probably live with that.  But if they are going to pull a lot of tricks out of the bag and throw at me, who knows.  I guess I will find out Tues nite when I go. 

Do you have to go to a lot of classes for the Tallgrass group?  I'm trying to keep my traveling to a minimum and my time off work to a minimum.  I work online on the computer so I figure the sore factor won't weigh heavily into my returning to work.  Topeka isn't too bad from Wichita with the turnpike.  It's a good 3+ hrs for me.  My daughter is in Lawrence and it takes us right about 4 hours to make that drive. 
on 8/8/08 3:58 pm - Rose Hill, KS
I've been to 4 seminars and I have found the better informed I am before the meetings, the better I am at knowing what is salesmanship and what is real. Good luck and be sure before you decide on a surgery, that you have researched all the surgical options. If you have type 2 diabetes, be sure and check out how each surgery affects that. I know that the DS cures 98% of the type 2 diabetes patients. Stay away from the place in Lenexa, KS. I can give you more information if you are interested. Best of luck.
75% EWL!!!!    Miracles do happen and the DS is mine!
on 8/10/08 1:41 am
Tallgrass requires you to go to a Sat. seminar before they will actually visit with you.  You will have to have a psyc. eval.  They give you a list of places to go for that in various parts of the state.  I went to someone in Junction City.  He is informed of what is needed for their process.  I had to go to Topeka for some blood work and then met the Dr.  We visited about my choices and what might be best for me.  When I was checking out the different ones it seems that the band didn't require as much pre surgery stuff.  i think in part because it is not as serious a surgery as the others.  I was self pay.  As soon as I went to semina, met with dr. had blood work, I was scheduled for band.  It took about 4 months total.  I had no health issues so that might have been what helped me get through so easily.  I had to do a 10 day pre op diet.  I had approx. 100lbs to loose.

I was very happy with Tallgrass.  I have to drive a little less than 2 hrs.  Did check out Junction City wt. loose program but they had not started the lap band surgery.  That would have been closer for me to drive.

I agree that you need to really ask losts of questions and really understand what is expected.  Also  tallgrass was less in cost or close to others with 2 yrs. "free" fills.  I don't know if they still do that or not.

best of luck to you.
Mendee M.
on 8/13/08 10:01 am - Mulvane, KS
Hi Gin!
Being from Wichita, and just completing the "processes" and hitting a few stumbling blocks, I think I can answer a few of your questions.

First, the place on N. Ridge is just a weight loss center. They actually do the surgeries in Oklahoma (I don't remember where).

Most likely, you will have to complete a WL program and classes no matter where you go. SFL requires a 4 week nutritional class, a 4 week "Know your XXXX (whatever surgery you are having) and another class that met once a month for 3 months.  I have just completed these classes, and spent about $550. Also, if you utilize one of their surgeons (Dort or Lancaster) you are required to pay $250 before your surgery for the post op support classes.

Depending on your insurance, you can actually have the surgery at St. Francis or Wesley. SFL utilizes St. Francis, but Wesley is just re-starting their bariatric program, and has obtained a new doctor (Dr. Villanueva) who should be licensed for KS within the next 2 weeks. I have met him, and while he is young, he has VERY good credentials. Wesley's program will also run about $750 out of pocket. However, Wesley only requires a 4 week pre-op program. So again, depending on your insurance, you have at least a 3 month program at SFL, or a 1 month program at Wesley. My insurance required a minimun of a 3 month multidisciplinary program, which SFL met.
The only snag I have hit so far is that my insurance does not want me to have surgery at St. Francis as it is out of network. When I started this process in Feb. SFL and St. Francis were the only place in Wichita to go, and I could have gotten a waiver for out of network. However, now that Wesley is starting up, the insurance company wants me to use them. If I have to go to Wesley, I will have to pay the $750 again, and complete their 4 week program

I would also call your insurance company back. Most insurances same some requirements before they will approve you for surgery. What insurance company do you have?

Good luck with everything and send me a message if you have any more questions!

PS: I am a lower BMI person myself and just so you know, we are considered "lightweights"
There is even a lightweight forum on this board.

10 pounds below goal!                  
on 8/13/08 10:03 am - Larned, KS
I am going through Tallgrass in Topeka for an RNY.  I had my psych eval yesterday in Manhattan.  The Ph.D. that did my psych eval said that she has been getting calls from others who plan to have WLS at Tallgrass who have had the psych eval done in Junction City and the person that does the evals (in JC) is not licensed to do the psych testing so he/she just writes the report & recommendations - which does not meet Tallgrass's requirements.  So now some folks are having to have a 2nd psych eval so they get the testing done.  I'm also having to complete three consecutive months of a medically-supervised diet, but I don't think that is Tallgrass's requirement...my insurance uses Medicare guidelines & Medicare requires the diet. 
Ginger S.
on 8/13/08 2:29 pm - Central Kansas, KS
Well, I went to orientation last night and had a lot of questions answered. I am going to bite the bullet and do the classes because I think the committment to do them will help prepare me the best.  A gal did a short chat last night who was 2 yrs post op and she said she had a friend who had surgery 6 months ago at one of the speedier places and she's lost a whopping 10 lbs.  That made me think twice.  I think I'll stick with SFL.  I'm also very grateful for the insurance I have (Blue Shield of CA - I work for a CA company) and they don't require the months of dieting and Dr. Dort was their surgeon of choice.  Since he was also the choice of two of my docs, I think I'm where I need to be.  They also said they might be able to condence some of the nutrition classes or something so I didn't have to come quite as many times.  I figure it is going to cost me about $30 a class just for gas.  But then I think about my co-pays on my monthly drug bill is over $300 and I expect this surgery to drastically cut that down so it will all wash out.  I have a fairly new vehicle and a husband who is willing to support me in this and drive so I think I'll just count my blessings. 

Mendee - Mulvane huh?  My favorite aunt of my husband's lived there for years and just died a few months ago.  Spent many happy times there. 

on 8/15/08 9:07 am
Just fyi..I live in Hutchinson and work in Wichita.  I considered SFL but opted to have surgery in Junction City.  If you are interested further, just send me a private message to my email and I will share.  Good luck whatever you decide.



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