I have a date!
What more can I say but I HAVE A DATE!
Okay well I have a little more to say. OKAY OKAY make it a lot to say. I went to the surgeons office yesterday afternoon and met with Dr Hoehn. He says I made an excellent choice of surgery and for the right reasons. Im sure he says that to most people though. But he said he would like to do my surgery if I would allow him too. I said "Works for me! Let go now!" He was like nope not today. He sent in a lady to set up the schedule. I told her the sooner the better. She put me in for May 19th at 10 AM. I told her "Good he'll have some practice before me that morning" So then I got a list of things I have to do before then.
Cardiac clearance
Pulmonary clearance
Preop Education class
Physical Therapy class
Preop Labwork
Preop EGD
So she scheduled the EGD immediately with Dr Hoehn on May 2nd at 10:30 AM
I called this morning and schedule the classes back to back on Wed April 23rd from 3-5PM
I also called for Cardiac Clearance and am scheduled for Monday April 21st at 9:30 AM I was told be bring comfortable shoes and wear comfortable clothes.
Next call was for Pulmonary Clearance... I got it scheduled for Monday April 21st also but at 2 PM. She told me I would need a chest x-ray so I said Okay. She said the lab didn't accept Aetna. I told her it was fine I also have BCBS she said they wouldn't process my secondary because of my primary...I think she is stupid or full of **** So I told her I would get my own x-rays. she told me I couldn't do that. Thats when I knew she was talking out of her ass. I told her to ask someone and she did. She came back on the line and said go ahead just be sure to bring them with me.
From there I called my PCP and asked for an x-ray to be done there and they said get the orders. So I had to call the stupid lady back...Well it was easier than I thought it would be to her to fax it over. By the time I called the PCP office back the fax was there. I went in and have my chest x-rays done this afternoon and have them in my van right now ready to go for Monday.
All that left are my labs and I need to call on 4-24 to schedule that. I will be calling first thing in the morning on 4-24 you better believe it.
A little over a month to go...I can't wait.
See you soon on the looser bench!

Good for you.
Do you feel like the circus dog yet? I hated jumping though the hoops.
She was right about the secondary insurance, if the primary does not pay the seconardy dosen't have to either, even if it would have had it been the primary, stupid rule but that is insurance.
Best deal is that you have a date, man what a feeling. It seems like it is so far away, but it will be hear before you know it.
Good luck and we will save you a spot on the bench.
Life is a journey, don't waste the trip.
Mike Wise
Congrats on your date! I know how exciting that is. FYI the EGD is no big deal. I was worried about this but you are asleep the whole time. Just a little sore throat afterwards. I know how you feel with all the tests. Seemed like there was no end. I felt like a pin cushion. I had all my tests in one day and was glad it was over. Good luck with your surgery. Vicki