started the journey!!
I posted this on the main board, but this board is majorly important to me, too!!!! And a lot of you know who I'm talking about when it comes to Tallgrass.
I took steps 1 & 2 on the journey to WLS .
I went to the informational seminar yesterday that is required by Tallgrass before they will consider a patient for weight-loss surgery. And I bought the two required books to read before they will do a surgery, the general weight loss surgery one and the one specifically about lap band.
Now today I'll sit down and fill out the information history packet they gave us. Tomorrow I'll take the information packet back to them with a copy of my insurance card, call the mental health place and schedule a psych evaluation, call my regular doctor and get on a three-month medically supervised diet with him, and from there wait till the waiting list dwindles down and it's my turn!
In some ways it was a real downer when they said they are backlogged on Medicare patients till July or August (you could just hear the collective groan through the room when they said that), but on the other hand I have to keep reminding myself that I have to do the 3-month diet anyway (so that's till the end of May) that's required by Medicare and my husband and I already discussed that this needs to be done during the summer when my stepson is gone to his mom's (he lives with us) so he won't "be in the know" and tell his mom and everyone else that I'm getting the surgery. His mom is really heavy, too (probably a lot higher BMI than me--she's a lot shorter), and she tends to freak out and try to copy everything I do (won't admit it, though, but hmm... followed RIGHT after us with marriage, baby, new vehicle, taking college classes, finding a bigger house--now she's looking at bankruptcy...). I hate the competition factor in life. HATE IT.
The doctor said I'd need to look at the lap band surgery instead of gastric bypass of any sort, because of my rheumatoid arthritis and the fact that I'm on immuno-supressants like Methotrexate and prednisone a lot for inflammation--I don't heal well from incisions and am more prone to infections because of them. So the minimally invasive route is best for me he says. Plus I only need to lose around 100 lbs.
My only fear is that I'll be on this 3 month diet, lose 20 lbs or whatever, and then they'll say "well, you don't have a high enough BMI to qualify". That's going to make it tough psychologically for me to not cheat and fail on purpose, y'know? really really really tough...
The seminar was interesting--after they said BC/BS of KS won't cover WLS a wave of people got up and left. Then they said Medicare patients are backed up till July or August and another wave got up and left. Then they said people over the age of 65 have to jump through some extra hoops and more people walked out.
But the cool thing is that I got to see John W. come in with the support people and say a few words and I was like "Cool! I know who he is!!"

I want to say congratulations on taking the first steps!!! I''m also very proud of you for doing it!!! The only way we get where we want to be is by baby steps, and sweetie, believe me, July and August will be here before we know it! Hang in there, and keep those baby steps going!!!
Big Hugs
Friends are angels on earth!!