On my way!

(deactivated member)
on 1/18/08 1:25 pm - Platte City, MO
Its been a while since an update. Time for one now. I went Monday to a seminar given by  Dr Hoehn at Shawnee Mission Medical Center. The second place I have gone to for research. The first place I went to for the Lap-Band was such a joke compared to here. Well it was so informative. I have since decided to do the RNY instead of the Lap-Band.  Me being so large I believe this is a better overall decision. The overall Excess Weight Loss associated with the Lap-Band is ~45-50% which at 50% I would get down to 288 but I dont believe that would satisfy my needs for success. plus I learned of other complications associated with the Lap-Band that I had not known about previously. Also since I have 2 insurances that both cover WLS its been a little complex. Aetna is my primary and they cover it if deemed medically necessary along with a 6 month diet eval and psych eval. My secondary insurance is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia through my wifes work which is self funded. So all I have to do is show medical necessity and psych eval no 6 month study. But wait theres more... The surgeon I have chosen accepts Aetna but the hospital he work at does not. But they do accept BCBS.  So since I will be denied from Aetna for not completing my 6 month diet eval, BCBS will have to cover the RNY. Fingers crossed of course. But just in case I will continue to go to my PCP for diet eval every 2 weeks as normal. With that said I went to my PCP today for my 2 week get together with her. and I am down another 4 lbs so to date I have lost ...hmmm... let me see... oh yeah  9 lbs. We discussed things and so I had to ask her which surgery she thought would be best for me. I take her opinion serious since I have been seeing her every two weeks now and she knows my demeanor. She has tole me she believes the RNY would be a better decision than the Lap-Band for me. Until next time... Take care and good luck with your pursuit of a better life!
Helana R
on 1/18/08 10:55 pm - Kansas City, KS
Unless you have your heart set on RNY you should still consider the lapband.  I started out at 425 lbs and in less than 14 months I've already lost 165 lbs and am still losing every week.  It can be done, depending on how dedicated you are.

                               kadfjhsdh.gif image by redhd76

on 1/19/08 11:43 pm
I am glad you are checking it all out.  It is hard to make the decision I know.  I was ready for RNY then changed my mind after talking to a lot of different people.  I don't know what complications you have heard of for the lap band so can't comment.  I can say that when I went to one of the seminars at a different location I was completely convinced that RNY was the only way to go.  The presented the band as alway having to go back for fills, monitoring the amount of fluid in it, slow wt. loss, etc.  I knew at that time I just wanted to be done with everything and not have to alway go back for fills, etc.  I wanted to never be able to eat stuff that I shouldn't again and boy was i ready to go.  That day, if I could.  Then I went to a seminar that they did both, talked to people that had both, watched some things with RNY that was disturbing to me when you eat sugar.  As I processed things I decided that the band was more for me.  Everyone has to decide that for themselves. After surgery of the band, I was so thankful about my choice.  For the first couple days I was so scared, thought what in the world have I done.  I will never eat again, Oh my gosh,  Yicks.  Oh no.  THen I realized I do have a little more choice , I can have more of a say in what I do.  Although I never never plan to have it removed for anything but a medical reason I still have control.  The band keeps me from eating to much.   Boy do I like that.  There is some power in know that if I do want a little something that I love so much I can do it.  I know I can't eat very much but i DO HAVE THAT CHOICE.  somehow that makes me not want it so much.  I don't want to mix you up with this but I am so glad that I had someone tell me how they really felt and so it made it a better decision for me in the end.  It is a very very hard decision.  I know that many are so glad they did the RNY .  I am so glad for them.  It truly has to be what you want.  I am also so thankful that we have choices to fit  our own personal needs.  Both are wonderful choices.  Good luck to you.  I know you will do well.  You are researching and that is so important.
on 3/20/08 8:03 am - Liberal, KS
I am scheduled to have the lap band procedure this month.  I am scared and I pray I'm making the right decision.  Just wanted you to know I was encouraged reading your message because you have done so well.  I want to follow all the "rules" so that I can make this work for me.  My goal is to lose 75 pounds, that would put me around 150 and I think I could maintain that.  I realize it isn't supermodel skinny but for me I would be happy.  Any suggestions?  I think no carbonated drinks will be difficult because Sonic diet cokes are a treat for me.  Anyway, let me know any suggestions you may have for me --  things you wish you would have know for the git-go. 
on 1/19/08 11:43 pm - Pittsburg, KS
First of all I want to say congratulations on the 9 lbs weight loss!! That's great!!!  As for your surgery decision, I'd go with what my PCP feels, and you, yourself feel better about. We all have to remember that no matter what type of surgery we are having, it is a tool, to help us get down to where we want to be with out weight. Don't worry about the insurance thing too much, I had BCBS of California through my hubby''s job, and they paid so well on my RNY! In fact my entire surgery only cost me $123.00 out of my pocket. I'm sure between both of your insurance company's, you'll be well taken care of as far as the payment. Good Luck on your journey, and if ever need a caring ear, I'm here.  Theresa

Friends are angels  on earth!!

on 1/21/08 12:16 am - KS

If you are still in the research phase, I would recommend looking into the DS as a surgery option. I had one in august of 2006 and have lost over 200 lbs and can eat and drink like a normal person. There are 2 great surgeons up in Omaha that perform the DS. I had looked into doing the RNY also and went to Dr Hoehn's  Seminar. But after going up to Omaha and listening to Dr Anthone's seminar, I knew the DS was right for me.

 "Well son, since you don't have any respect for your elders, it's time somebody taught you some respect for your betters!"     John Wayne   
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on 1/24/08 10:52 pm - MO
Hi, I was wondering if Dr Hoehn, said how long the surgery process took,  I was suppose to go, Jan 14,  to his seminar, but didn't go due to an emergency, so I may go this coming monday or Feb 4, any advice or info would be helpful. I was advised by a Dr that you need to think and listen to both procedures, he said people don't hear the neg things about the lap-band, and long term RYN is better, he does the lap-band surgery, but my ins won't pay in St Joe, I think it is just a individual's choice and how serious they are wanting to lose weight and keep it off, thanks for listening, good luck to all B
on 1/25/08 12:46 pm - Kansas City, MO
Your Dr gave you some good advice.  My wife Sandra had RYN 2 years ago and that was the right surgery for her.  She originally thought that lap-band was the way to go.  However, after listening to the information presented at the seminar she choose RYN with Dr. Hoehn.  Sandra lost 150 pounds in one year.  Then in July 2007 I had lap-band with Dr. Hoehn.  Again after listening to the information presented at the seminar and counsel with the doctors, lap-band was the right choice for me.  I have lost 73 pounds since July 2. Remember, this is not a cure.  It is a tool!  Just like going to the store a buying a tool to do a job, there are several to choose from.  You must do your homework and decide which one will work better in my situation.  The great thing about the SMMC program is that the professionals are there and available to help you in your decision. Good luck in your journey.
on 1/25/08 11:21 am - MO
Congratulations on the minus 9 LBS!!! I live in Platte City too and had LapBand surgery 9/26/07 with Dr. Hoehn. I had a different cir****tance than most cause due to other health problems (mainly weak heart) my only option was LB. I have lost 50 pounds and am disabled so unable to do much exercise. I don't have good restriction yet so I am real pleased with my progress so far.
I am not trying to persuade you to get the LapBand just wanted to let you know you have a neighbor.
Oh and by the way you have chosen the BEST surgeon in the world too. Of course that is my opinion but between him and his PA Tim you are in very good hands.
The very best luck to you and feel free to email me if I can answer any questions,
Connie B.
on 1/28/08 1:15 am - MO
thank you Connie and Bill, Connie I will write you with ?? or concerns, I just hope you won't find me a pain, lol anyway I feel much better now, but how long does the process take, I heard 2-5 months, any info would be helpful, thanks again, best of luck to everyone.
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