Let's liven up this message board!

on 7/3/07 1:35 pm - Ozawkie, KS
Are you sure that they are a COE? I'm assuming that your iinsurance is Medicare. I think they consider themselves to be a COE but Medicare doesn't agree. There have been others on this board who found out the hard way. If you go to this web site:http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MedicareApprovedFacilitie/BSF/list.asp#TopOfPage you can search Missouri. There are 4 of them. 3 are in the Saint Louis area and the other is in Sedalia. This page is updated every day and I've found it to be very accurate. I'm not trying to ruin your whole day or anything, I just would hate to see you go there and find out last minute that Medicare won't pay, or worse have the surgery and find out Medicare won't pay. I think the mix up is that the doctors the are all ASBS certified but the hospital itself must be certified as a COE as well. Saint Frances hospital in Topeka is now a coe, but they weren't when I was trying to get surgery. I had mine done in Sedalia last Oct 5th. I'm down 147 lbs and counting. I go and buy a cheap pair of jeans at Walmart because I wear them for a few days and put them in the wash. By the time I get them back they're starting to get loose! So I don't buy Levies any more just jeans from Walmart for $9.97. I too would like to see this board get more action. I come here just about every day to check and more times then not nothing has changed.
on 7/4/07 2:11 am
Good morning! And nope, I am not Medicare. My husband has me on his insurance with anthem bc/bs. They have been amazing to work with. We also have tricare. As for St. Fancis in Topeka, they were not on the list when I checked, either. So, Columbia was the closest. My friend in Topeka had hers done there, and she is down 150#. She looks fantastic! Her daughter calls her a Goodwill junkie. She said she was losing so fast, she went to Goodwill and bought a new wardrobe. When she 'undergrew' those, she just returned them and got a new set! I think I will do that!  She said she still shops there, and she has some snazzy outfits!  Congrats on your weight loss! Fabulous!  I am SOOOOOOO anxious to get in and 'get 'er done!' Have to tell you -- my hubby told me yesterday that when I go on the liquid diet, he will, too! He needs to lose too, but that is support!  My friend in Topeka said that when she had her surgery, she was starving, and her (now ex) husband heated up two burgers in the microwave and ate them on the way to the hospital. She said she wanted to kill him! Now that is FAR from support - more like abuse!   Well, have a fabulous 4th, and we will talk to you soon!  Hugs, LaNeta
on 7/4/07 5:11 am - Ozawkie, KS
Wow that's interesting. Yours is the first non-Medicare insurance that I've heard of to have that requirement. The scuttlebutt is that most insurances tend to follow Medicares lead. Support is good. I had my surgery October 5th, and my wife had hers on October 26th. It's been immeasurably helpful and fun cheering one and other on. She's down 75lbs I think. It's been a couple weeks since I last saw here on a scale. Could be more than that now. The goodwill thing is a snazzy idea. We have a salvation army thrift shop here in Topeka, but I never thought about going there. As soon as I figure out how the clothing exchange here works, I'm going to put a good size of clothing up. It's all in very good shape because I didn't wear them long especially my shirts. It's a shame to leave them hanging in a closet. I'd like to help somebody out.
on 7/9/07 3:55 am
Hi! I plan to sell some of my clothing to be able to afford new clothing.  If I run into someone who cannot afford it, I would just give it to them, In the past, I have had garage sales, and women around 4x size flock to it, as they have come to learn I have some nice things. I also donate the items to our local soup kitchen, which has a clothing pantry for people who cannot afford to pay for them. I plan to run an ad in the paper and see what kind of response I get, unless, as I said, I run into someone who would need them and cannot afford them. HA! I just reread this - I haven't even had the surgery yet, and here I am planning to get rid of all this clothing when the weight comes off - ha!  Did I ask you if you know Mark and Linda Roberts in Ozawkie? I have known Mark through work about 25 years or so.  Have a great day!  LaNeta
on 7/8/07 7:22 am - C, KS
LaNeta hi to you and all of our fellow Kansas WLS group.  I live south of Topeka in a small town of Carbondale.  I am looking into WLS and hope and pray to have it soon.  I also have diabetes and it worries my so much.  I worked as a Rehab Nurse and I see the complications from this disease every day from strokes, amputations, sores etc.  My heart goes out to these people each and every day.  I weigh 274#  and I find it very hard to get through each day.  To compound my diabetes I developed heart trouble from taking Redux approx.  10 years ago.  I am so afraid that my insurance is not going to pay it is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama and they tell me that my company has a written clause about WLS and they don't cover it.  Anyway enough of the sad things.  I love the KC Chiefs and watch every game I can and I love going to Arrowhead.  I have lived in Kansas most of my life.  My bestfriend lives in Inman just north of Hutch.  I love photography.  I love my 2 Boston Terriers.  I have been married to the love of my life for 22 years and we have 3 beautiful children Erik 21, Eddie 20, and Heather 17.  I do also want to get this message board more active.  I also enjoy gardening, cooking, reading, and watching women's softball.  God Bless and well talk soon.  Sheila
on 7/9/07 4:08 am
Hi! So sorry you are experiencing problems with insurance. When are these idiots going to realize that when the weight comes off, a lot of the health issues goes with it? I know about diabetic problems. I had been getting blood tests every 90 days, and the dr just said, "You need to watch your sugar". Next thing I know, my left foot shattered when I was just walking, and I have a condition called charcot foot. I have to wear a boot, and the dr said my next step is a wheelchair. I told him I do not believe God will allow that. I really screwed up this year. My husband had pneumonia from October, 2006 and was finally put in the hospital in June! While the pneumonia is gone, there are the afteraffects. We live on 2 1/2 acres, and I did all the yard work this year, including taking out four trees by myself and put in ten by myself. I think I was on it too much, and caused more fractures. I have neuropathy, so cannot feel my feet.  Anyway, like you, I love the Chiefs, but have never been to a game. I am too claustrophobic right now to try to be around a crowd and to sit in those seats! Also, I can't walk that far!  So, you have Bostons also? I have two also, Abby Rose and Bosley Dean. We also have Barkley, a Great Pyrenees/Newfoundland mix and Spirit, a bassett/chocolate lab mix. The latter two were rescues. We are getting ready to possibly adopt two 'older girls', Odie and Layla. They are large mixed breeds who are about 8. Their owner died and no one could take care of them, so they went to the shelter and from there, the "Lucky Dog" program through our prison. This program teaches the dogs obedience and makes them more adoptable. It is a great program.  I have been married for 22 yrs as well. Our wedding date was May 11, 1985. No kids, just furbies. Oh yes, we have four barn cats as well.  My surgery is August 6th, and I am SOOOOO excited! It is amazing how quickly this month is going! It has taken 8 months to get this far! I believe there is a forum on fighting insurance problems. I was told that the way Medicare and Medicaid goes, so goes private insurance, so maybe it will happen for you soon. It was just covered on our insurance beginning January 1, 2007. I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Take care, and best wishes! Best, LaNeta
on 7/10/07 1:32 pm - C, KS
Thanks so much La Neta for your reply is so nice to know their are others like me out there.  So far I have been very lucky and had no complications from my diabetes but knowing that is not far away if I keep on the track that I am on and knowing very well being a nurse.  It is so sad that a lot of people think that losing weight is so easy.  I just want to cry when I am told that they don't know how tired I am after a full day of work with my heart conditions and diabetes and plus the strain the weight puts on my body.  And most of your diabetic medications hindered your ability to lose weight.  If you go to my profile you will see my little bostons we have had a total of 5 over the last 14 years.  Ed and I got married February 22, 1985.  He is my rock and my greatest support.  There may be a possibility that his insurance will cover WLS.  We currently have insurance with my company and we can't sign up until November for his.  At least there is a glimmer of hope.  I go for my Psych eval on Thursday and I will see Dr. Hamilton next Tuesday.  I can't wait for this.  At least being a nurse I know most of the surgeons reps.  I am so excited for you and your date of August the 6th, I will pray that everything goes well.  When will you start on the liquid diet?  Are you doing Lap band or RNY?  I am hoping for the RNY.  Well it's getting late and got to go to work tomorrow.  Talk to you soon your WLS Friend, Sheila.
on 7/11/07 7:46 am

Greetings! My surgery will be at the University of Missouri Hospital in Columbia, as that is the closest 'center of excellence' for bariatric surgery that my insurance will cover. I have been told that St. Francis (?) Hospital in Topeka is now a center of excellence, but after all this time, and knowing the staff in Columbia, will stay there! I am having the RNY, which is what UM specializes in. My podiatrist had lap band almost a year ago, and he looks great! I had a friend in Topeka who had surgery in March, 2006. She now weighs 150 (down from 305) and looks fabulous! She had surgery at St. Francis when she worked there. She now works at the sleep center in another hospital. I am not sure what she does, but know she is not a nurse. I have told very few people about the upcoming surgery, as I want to surprise several friends I rarely see. I was rather upset on Tuesday. I met a friend for lunch, and told her of the upcoming surgery. She immediately told me I have to make a permanent change on my eating habits, and she knew people who had it and gained all their weight back, yada yada yada. I thought, 'Thanks a lot for your flippin' support!' What really gets me is that she could stand to lose about 75-100# herself, and was pleased with herself that she has lost 25. I am pleased for her, but I know she herself has lost and regained it over and over again! My best friend, an evangelist, told me, "Well, if it is something you feel you have to do/" And then another friend at church said she knew a couple people who had it done, and they regained their weight. When I told her a guy at the church had had the surgery and lost 250#, she seemed exasperated! She said, "But he's still fat!"  (He has regained 50#) This woman is a toothpick who has never had a significant weight problem. WHY do people feel the need to tell you horror stories they have heard about a friend of a friend, etc? Why can't they just be supportive? I would rather they just kept their mouths shut. Do they think that those of us who are pending surgery have not studied the subject for months and months?  Do they think I don't know I have to change my eating habits permanently? I had a burger and fries yesterday, and am enjoying a lot of the foods I know I won't be able to eat again. They seem to feel they know it all. I know there are many who have complications from the surgery, but it is that way in all surgeries! OK, I have just jumped off the soapbox!  Yes, I will check out your page. I have not done much on mine yet. I am getting paperwork together for college. I am returning to college this year after a hiatus of 25 years! I am going to work on my masters in Christian counseling. I am also learning sign language, which I am struggling with!  I am sure I am not the only one! I don't go completely nuts, just not a liquid diet yet. That begins July 23rd. I will have to take a break from it on the 27th when I am meeting a friend for lunch. That is the first day she can get away. She does not know about the surgery, and I am not telling her. I know she would be supportive, but I want to surprise everyone at my former office after I lose the weight! My brother, who is right here in town, has no idea that I am having surgery -  I want to surprise him too!  Well, I better get done. I know that with the lap band, my dr that had it jumped on a plane on a Wed, flew to Florida, had the procedure on Thursday and flew back on Friday. He was back to work on Monday, and luckily for him, has a nurse who could adjust his lap band. Hope you are having a great day. We just had a bit of rain, but sounds like tonight may be heavy rain and t-storms. Oh joy! Take care Best, LaNeta

Dorothy Shuler
on 7/17/07 7:57 am - Olathe, KS
Hello LaNeta! We will be Surgery buddies! I will be having mine in Olathe!  I just got off the phone with my primary care doc's office and they are very very supportive! (she recommended me to my surgeon) They are hooking me up with an antidepressant. I have been asked to go off my EstraTest.. eew! That worries me more than anything.. I tried going half dose and the emotion was too much! Anyway.. you were asking about what we do in our spare time.. Husband has a motorcycle.. we like to go on rides. We hang out at the church a lot. We are both Stephen Ministers.  I like to read. Play on the computer and go to the movies.  I also like getting out in our motorhome in the spring and fall to go camping at the lake near here. We have a pontoon boat that we like to take out onto the lake and play in the water.. .. Summer is just too hot!  Later on in the fall I plan to get back up in the air and work on getting my pilot's license. That is a dream that I have had since childhood.. we stopped for financial reasons and are now looking for a plane.. 2 seater so that we can build up our hours for finishing.. the less I weigh.. the more fuel we can put in the plane... the further we can go before refuleing!!! that's my story and I'm stickin to it Lovingly, Dorothy

Started at  215, I now weigh 149!! I gained 10lbs after Chemo. Currently looking to lose that 10-20lbs I LOVE my RNY 

on 7/17/07 10:26 am
Whew! You have a life, girl! Me, I don't go many places or do much. I am getting ready to go back to school to work on my masters in Christian counseling starting in September. I am also taking sign language. I love Montana and Wyoming, but am kind of stuck here for now. Will see where the Lord sends me. I told hubby that after I lose this weight, I want to buy a motorcycle. He is not wow'ed with it, but he isn't wowed with much of anything! Ha! As for Stephens Ministry, one of the gals involved in SM here in Hutch visited my mom the last few years of her life, and gave her some happiness. Well, we will have to compare notes. I am SO excited about surgery. Do you have to do the liquid diet beginning July 23? It is interesting how physicians differ. Anyway, good luck and take care! LaNeta
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