Let's liven up this message board!

Greetings! My surgery will be at the University of Missouri Hospital in Columbia, as that is the closest 'center of excellence' for bariatric surgery that my insurance will cover. I have been told that St. Francis (?) Hospital in Topeka is now a center of excellence, but after all this time, and knowing the staff in Columbia, will stay there! I am having the RNY, which is what UM specializes in. My podiatrist had lap band almost a year ago, and he looks great! I had a friend in Topeka who had surgery in March, 2006. She now weighs 150 (down from 305) and looks fabulous! She had surgery at St. Francis when she worked there. She now works at the sleep center in another hospital. I am not sure what she does, but know she is not a nurse. I have told very few people about the upcoming surgery, as I want to surprise several friends I rarely see. I was rather upset on Tuesday. I met a friend for lunch, and told her of the upcoming surgery. She immediately told me I have to make a permanent change on my eating habits, and she knew people who had it and gained all their weight back, yada yada yada. I thought, 'Thanks a lot for your flippin' support!' What really gets me is that she could stand to lose about 75-100# herself, and was pleased with herself that she has lost 25. I am pleased for her, but I know she herself has lost and regained it over and over again! My best friend, an evangelist, told me, "Well, if it is something you feel you have to do/" And then another friend at church said she knew a couple people who had it done, and they regained their weight. When I told her a guy at the church had had the surgery and lost 250#, she seemed exasperated! She said, "But he's still fat!" (He has regained 50#) This woman is a toothpick who has never had a significant weight problem. WHY do people feel the need to tell you horror stories they have heard about a friend of a friend, etc? Why can't they just be supportive? I would rather they just kept their mouths shut. Do they think that those of us who are pending surgery have not studied the subject for months and months? Do they think I don't know I have to change my eating habits permanently? I had a burger and fries yesterday, and am enjoying a lot of the foods I know I won't be able to eat again. They seem to feel they know it all. I know there are many who have complications from the surgery, but it is that way in all surgeries! OK, I have just jumped off the soapbox!
Yes, I will check out your page. I have not done much on mine yet. I am getting paperwork together for college. I am returning to college this year after a hiatus of 25 years! I am going to work on my masters in Christian counseling. I am also learning sign language, which I am struggling with!
I am sure I am not the only one! I don't go completely nuts, just not a liquid diet yet. That begins July 23rd. I will have to take a break from it on the 27th when I am meeting a friend for lunch. That is the first day she can get away. She does not know about the surgery, and I am not telling her. I know she would be supportive, but I want to surprise everyone at my former office after I lose the weight! My brother, who is right here in town, has no idea that I am having surgery - I want to surprise him too!
Well, I better get done. I know that with the lap band, my dr that had it jumped on a plane on a Wed, flew to Florida, had the procedure on Thursday and flew back on Friday. He was back to work on Monday, and luckily for him, has a nurse who could adjust his lap band.
Hope you are having a great day. We just had a bit of rain, but sounds like tonight may be heavy rain and t-storms. Oh joy! Take care
Best, LaNeta

Started at 215, I now weigh 149!! I gained 10lbs after Chemo. Currently looking to lose that 10-20lbs I LOVE my RNY