What is u*****T in Kansas?
Hey Kat Donna and I are both having surgery around the same time. June 18th for me and June 19th for her. I think she is correct in stating that most times we email each other instead of posting here. I had a really bad experience once after I posted something and so I am a little gun shy of posting to anyone. Let me here back from you.
Take care...
Hi Sherry,
Glad to hear from another Kansan! You are doing great to have lost 39 lbs already, you must be loving that band! Great Bend you are way on the other side of Kansas. We are having some crazy rain in our little section of the state. Nearly three inches in a few hours. Wish we could share some of this with areas that need it.
Thanks again for your reply, congratulations and let us know how you are doing. Keep us posted!