Anyone know of support group in Topeka
Hey girlie I remember you... WOW!!! You look great! I always thought you were so beautiful and Pretty. You look even more beautiful now. Any how my Aunt Lo sent me some of your hospital pics when you had your baby. Speaking of my family, I haven't told them that I'm having WLS and I don't plan on telling them, because they don't believe that I'm overweight enough to have this type of surgery. And they think that I can just work out and eat right to lose the weight. As much as they like to cook I would never lose weight around them. Any how I'm still in VA. and I'm going to my Pre-op appointment on May 10th so My surgery will be about 3 weeks after that so I'm excited. But worried that my Hubby will accidentally spill the beans to my family and I know they are going to freak out. Any how I figure I'm doing this for myself and no one else and they'll never understand what its like to try to lose over 100+ pounds. They think that it is so easy for me to go back to weighing 125 again, but it's not. My sister was able to bounce back and lose her weight almost immediately after having kids. Me on the other hand I wasn't that fortunate. Between depo-provera and having a cast on my leg for 1/2 year I've packed on some pounds. I don't look like I weighed 226 (I recently lost 16) I didn't want to go to my pre-op weighing the same or more. Well, I'm 210 now and I know if I told my Mom she wouldn't even believe me. I just recently told my Husband and he doesn't believe me, because he's really buff but he weighs 215. He thinks it's all it my Breast and my Bottom. I wish! Any how I'm sure I could go on forever talking to you because it feels so good to talk to someone from home. Once again you look so pretty I almost didn't recognized you until I looked at your Pre-op photos. I thought you were just another person responding to my post until I looked at your page. Then I thought to myself OMG! I personally know that Woman. That is so cool. I'm looking forward to staying in contact with you! I'm sure that I will have tons of questions after WLS. "Like what else can I eat, because I'm tired of eating the same foods." I'm sure you know what that's like? Well I'm looking forward to knowing. Hey one thing that's been on my mind is, on OH I read a lot about people getting plastic surgery after WLS does everyone pretty much get plastic surgery. I''m hoping that I won't need it, but my Hubby and I discussed it and I will get it if I have a whole lot of excess skin. Well, keep in touch Velena and I'll do the same! Ps. You have a very beautiful family. Congrats on getting married too. I missed so much since I've been gone! Wow God bless!
OK I went to the
They still have meetings, the second Saturday of every month, for both pre and post-ops, post op meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the month, and a 'vet' group meeting the second Tuesday of the month. The Saturday meetings are at St. Francis on the 2nd floor, the others are held at the Tallgrass building.