Bad gallbladder update on St Francis
I was in to see Dr. Bersten at Tallgrass last week. She removed my gallbladder on Thursday. No surprise there. Anyway St. Francis has had their on site inspection and is expecting to have their Center of Excellence rating any day now. They're just waiting for the official word. As for gallbladder surgery I'm a bit sore but otherwise fine. Had the surgery at 9am and was home by 3pm. These quick turnaround times still concern me.
Since you were home the same day, you had the laproscopic surgery for your gallbladder. That is a wonderful way to have it done. They use to have to cut you open and a nasty scar was all that was left. Don't sweat the time thing. If they did not think you were ready to go home, they would not have sent you.
You will feel better in a few days. Just don't over do it for the next week or two and things will be great!
Good Luck,
I'm not sure what to make of your reply but I'm leaning towards condescending. I am aware of what type of surgery I had and the alternative. Laparoscopic surgery is a great thing reducing ones recovery time to a mere fraction of what it other wise would've been. The point was the quick discharge time. Sending someone home less than 6 hours after a major surgery defies common sense no matter how well the patient might seem to be doing. When something doesn't make sense then there is only one thing to do to figure it out. Follow the money. I'm certain by your statement that you're not aware of who "they" are. "They" are the insurance company. "they" decided that staying over night in a hospital is expensive so "they" will not pay for it. It's not what's best for you, it's what's best for "they" I don't like being in the hospital any more than they like paying for it. I'd much rather be laying in my own bed with my wife. But I have me in mind.
Hey you're back! How did everything go? How you feeling? How much did you lose on your pre-op diet? I was afraid you'd disappear like dream did. I'm trying to stay active on the boards but sometimes people especially on the RNY board can get kind of rude. I've had a wave of negativism wash over me lately so I've been trying to refrain until it passes. I'm not on pain meds today though so I'm not as grumpy as I've been for the last 4 days. I hate 'em. How did the rest of your pre-op diet go? I sent you a message of encouragement hope you got it. Right now I've got to go. My lawn needs mowed and I'm definitely not up to bouncing around on a mower. I'm taking bids from the kids. Glad you're back!
Hi Mark,
Everything went well. I am still sore in my left side but doing good. I lost 10 pounds on my pre-op diet so that was a pleasant surprise. I was kind of pleased with myself on that darn thing I thought I would be tempted to cheat but the protein and water sustained me. I did get your message and I appreciate it.

I am sorry you thought I was being condesending. That is not how I was coming across. So, I apologize if you felt that I was. I had my gall bladder out and I was home within hours as well. Whom I was talking about "they" was the hospital staff. I know how you feel about the insurance companies. I have read your post on here from prior items. However, being in the medical field, I can tell you that if you did not meet requirements to go home, "they" the hospital staff would not have sent you home. A patient has to meet certain requirements before the staff can release you. If you meet the requirements then yes the staff sends you home because of the insurance companies. I don't believe that everyone should be sent home the same day, but it is happening more often then not. I work in a field that you would not believe some of the patients we have to send home. I understand totally what you are saying. It is not right and it is certainly unfair. But we don't have the control. The insurance has that control and it is not just an insurance issue, it is also a governmental issue as well. I can tell you stories about insurance and the crap that they pull. So I know and understand what you are saying. I do understand.
My husband had his eye removed a few years ago. The whole eye was taken out and he was sent home the same day. I work in an office where some of the patients we deal with have neck surgery and back surgery and some of the insurance companies make those surgeries out-patient. I know what you are saying and where you are coming from.
I am sorry that you took my words the wrong way. It was not meant like that.
I wish you luck and a speedy recovery....
Apology accepted. Sometimes I get kind of touchy I guess. As far as the medical field goes, I'm not trying to scream the aliens are coming or anything like that. It's just how people on these boards and everywhere really say how doctors are miracle workers sent by God ect... The truth is that they are far from it. It's not just insurance companies either. Do you know who makes the decisions about what is a fair price that insurers should pay? Doctors. A board of doctors. Do the employees at your place of work decide what their pay is? Congress passed a law years ago that says that if you show up in an ER dieing, the doctors there must help you whether you can pay or not. That's because doctors were throwing dieing patients out the door because they had no insurance and couldn't pay. People who have Medicare are finding it harder and harder to get medical help because doctors and hospitals can make more money treating patients with private insurance. The medical field, hospitals and doctors alike are a business. Just like AT&T. They aren't concerned for you they're concerned about the bottom line. Sometimes it's cheaper to settle a few law suits for people that were harmed then it is to pay to do it right for everybody. I just think people should see this and protect themselves. I'm not trying to be a fanatic here. I just don't want people to be hurt by a system that legally allows it.
Hi Mark,
My name is Athina, and if any of my questions are too personal, please disregard this posting. I was just wondering about your gallblader surgery. I am new to this board, so I'm sorry in advance for asking this if you've already discussed it. Did your doctor put you on a medication called Actigall? I think that's the right name. Anyway, in my pre op packet that is one of the medications that I will be taking while I am losing 10 or more lbs./month. It's supposed to help the GB from going bad. And if I may also ask, how long after your wls did you have GB problems?
Hope you're feeling better,