Hi everyone! Our board is so quiet, I thought maybe I would get everyone posting and talking by introducing ourselves. So let's see a post from everyone who visits the KS board!
1. Your first name
2. Your surgery type
3. Weight you've lost so far
4. Weight (if any) you still want to lose
5. What do you still struggle with?
I'll go first:
1. My name is Tiffany
2. I had Lap Band on 10/26/05
3. I'm down -104 lbs currently
4. 10 more pounds to my ultimate goal, "normal" BMI
5. I still struggle with finding time to exercise and drinking enough water!!
Let's get talking!

Hi there I stopped comeing on here because there was never any new postings.. I just stopped in today to see if anyone has heard from Dream or to see if she has posted anything... I know at first when I came on here it was alot of help... I would really like to thanks everyone that did help me... I think Tiffany is right we need to get to talking again...
1. My Name is Christie
2. I had BNY on May 25, 2006
3.I'm down 80 lbs currently
4. I still have alot to go I hope to get down to
140.. I started at 266..
5. I still have a hard to finding time to exercise and I want to snack
Thanks Tiffany I hope you hear from more ppl... If anyone knows anything about Dream or Dream if you are out there drop a line... Christie Calvin

Hey Kansans!!! Any KC area people here?
1. My name is Stephanie
2. I had lap-band on April 17, 2006
3. I've lost 71 pounds so far...
4. My "ok" goal is 180 and my hot girl goal is 160!
5. In the last month, I have moved twice, started a new job, quit that job, and start a new one tomorrow, so I am having trouble following ALL the rules! There is something to be said for a routine!!! BACK ON TRACK...
Hello I am Amanda From Rose Hill KS I am getting the Lap band on March 19th I am down 4 lbs and counting on a pre-op diet I have 75 more to 1st goal. I visit this site and read if there is anthing new but mostly hang out on lap band forum. Think it would be great to have some Kansas support!
So far I am just pre op and struggle with snacking!
Good luck --- Amanda