Having a Hard time deciding!
Well...that is a tough one. Everyone is different. I had RNY, so of course I am an advocate. I needed the DRASTIC-ness (is that a word?) of it, and also like the PERMANENCY of it. I think you lose more weight too, but just my opinion. I am 5'9 and went from 325 to 169...and even had my first baby!

That IS a tough thing to answer because its so personal for everyone! We all have different habits, different reasons for wanting to lose weight, and different lifestyle changes that we're willing to accept or not accept.
I can tell you that our stats are about the same. I'm 5'6" and weighed 266 preop. I got the Lapband and lost 100 lbs. in a little less than 14 months. I went from a size 22W to a size 6-8 in most jeans.
I know you've probably already researched it to death, but try to just sit and consider what it is you want to get out of your surgery. Do you want to lose weight very quickly? Do you have good skin that can handle rapid weight loss? Then maybe RNY is for you. Are you good about getting routine followup and patient about slow and steady weight loss? If so, the band may be for you because it requires diligent aftercare and takes longer to lose weight. You know, just ask yourself some questions about what your ultimate goals are in the long run, and what your personality can handle in the short run. You'll arrive at an answer that is just right for you!
Best of luck!
Choosing which surgery is a difficult and personal decision to be made with the assistance of your doctor. We must choose the procedure that gives each of us the best chance of getting the weight off and keeping it off. What are you willing to do to get the weight off? What kind of life changes can you make and live with for the long term? Getting the weight off is almost meaningless if your miserable for doing it. I chose RNY. I did so because weight loss is statistically better than the band. Longterm studies show that rny is effective at keeping the weight off as well. If I start to fall back into poor eating habits I'm reminded that is bad. There is also a respectable rate of revision from lap band to rny. I'm 3 months post-op. I've lost 74lbs feeling great and happy as a lark. I don't regret my decision to do this a bit. I hope that you're in the same place 3 months post-op from whatever choice you make.
I was just wondering which "2 surgeries" you were refering too. Because there are more than 2 options. I assume you are talking about the RNY and the Lap band.
but there is another option.
I decided to have the BPD/DS which is bilio pancreatic devesion with a duodenal switch. With this surgery, you are left with a fully functioning stomach. There is no dumping and you can eat normally and still lose weight because of a smaller stomach and malabsorbtion. It also has a higher sustained weight loss over time than the other "2"
I would like to invite you to come to the "Duodenal Switch" board right here on OH or you might want to visit www.duodenalswitch.com
I just wanted you to know that there are more and possibly better options available.
Dont just have the RNY or Lap band, because that is what everyone else is having, and those are the only options the surgeons around here perform. It may be worth it to you to do a little traveling. I traveled to Omaha, Nebraska to have mine done by one of the top bariatric surgeons in the world.
Please be sure and check out all of your options
and Good Luck

I just wanted to add that I have lost over 120lbs in 6 months
My average day of eating looks like this
B- 20 oz glass of milk and usually some sausage, egg and cheese biscut with only half the biscut
L- Roast beef or turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with all condiments and cheese
S- Nuts or some sort of trail mix or yogurt or a banana
D- Any grilled, fried, baked, BBQed meat.(Chicken, Beef, Pork, Fish,etc..etc..) A vegetable and usually another glass of milk during the evening
I can get in about 100-150 grams of protein a day with out protein shakes. I do have to take a calcium supplement and a multi vitamin everyday
I have been able to eat like this since I left the hospital. I did not have to be on a baby food diet and I can drink with my meals. Now granted, I can not eat nearly as much as I used too. My first couple months I could only eat about 3-4 oz at a time but now that my stomach is healed up I can eat a normal size, 6-8 oz portion of food now.
Again... Good Luck

Well guys,
I have finally decided on the vertical sleeve gastrectomy. I saw my surgeon on the 24th and discussed all my proos and cons with him. Since I am 66 years old and have htn, sleep apnea, gerd, diabetes, osteoarthritis and so on. I am very comfortable with my decision and my surgeon recommends this for me also.
I am excited and waiting for my surgery date! WOOHOO
Let me hear from pre and post sleevers.