I'm lost ~ Need some help
Ok...I'm not sure what step I need to take first. Here is my situation. I'm 25. I have 3 kids. I had twins in Sept. 2005. I lost 100 lbs. in less than 6 months. I've lost even more weight in the last 6 months. Since losing the initial weight I have been stuck with a major flap of extra skin that hangs down to my pubic bone area. I am constantly getting yeast infections under the flap on my scar from my c-sections no matter how well I take care of it. I went to my primary care doctor quite awhile ago to ask if it would go away and he said it would with excercise. Since doing more research I have found there is NO way this is going away with excercise. I have been excercising since the twins were born and this extra skin isn't going anywhere. I feel like my doctor was just blowing me off. So I'm not really sure where I need to start. I am so tired of constantly getting these rashes. The fact that clothes don't fit me right is secondary. If it was just strictly about looks there is no way I would consider surgery. Where do I need to start? Do I need to go back to my primary care doc? Do I need to get a referrel to a plastic surgeon? What about insurance? How do I go about finding out whether insurance would cover a TT?:-S Sorry for so many questions. I just really have no idea where to start and I'm not sure who to ask these questions to since my doctor seems to think using the treadmill and doing sit ups every day will get rid of this. Obviously (after 15 months) that isn't working at all.
Hi Amanda. I have heard that with people if they keep getting infections and stuff, the dr's can write a referral to the insurance company to have plastic surgery done. It will have to be a medical necessary. I would think if you got a letter submitted to your insurance by your primary dr, and gyno, then hopefully the insurance company can pay for it.
I know when you lose a lot of weight that skin will be there. Me having not yet have had the surgery yet though, but this is what ive been researching. See if they both can get you the referral to your insurance. Good luck and keep me updated
Ok, thanks. That is kinda what I was thinking I would have to do but I wasn't sure. I'm going to try to make an appt. with my primary dr tomorrow. I'm just going to try to be more adament about the fact that I've been having these problems and the skin is not going away. Then I'll probably go see my OB/Gyn. I switched OB/Gyn's since the twins were born. Hopefully that won't matter. I really hope this will work. I had a reaction to a topical medication I was prescribed for a yeast infection on my c-section incision earlier this year. My entire body swelled up. Then my skin on my whole body got really red like a sunburn and all peeled off in layers. It was painful. I was on steroids for awhile as well as antihistamines. It was literally from my head to my toes. Since then I've been scared to use prescription meds on my skin. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Yeah good do that. Just be more adament about it. Ive noticed with dr's these days, theyre so busy cuz they keep adding more and more patients and they become lazy to their old clients and tend to put them on the backburner. He should be able to take the timeto have the letter writen for you and sent off and the same goes for your gyno. If you want if you think it'll help, I would say write a letter yourself. I know a lot of insurance companies get very stingy when it comes to proving that the plastic surgery should be deemed a medical thing. What insurance do you have?
I have heard people having this problem before. I believe they call it a panniculectomy (where they remove that apron of skin)that they do, and will usually do a tummy tuck while they're at it. If you have lots of problems with infections it is likely that you can prove to your insurance that it is medically necessary. Good luck!